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Reopen COVID Testing Lab
Venue address
6400 E Washington Blvd
Commerce, CA
United States
Reopen COVID Testing Lab

3rd in Series of Covid-19 Testing Labs LA-Based PCR Testing Lab – All Equipment New in 2020! Agilent Instruments: Bravo, PlateLoc, BenchCel Tecan Flu

Auction dates
Starts: Sep 25, 2023 09:00 AM PT
Ends from: Oct 05, 2023 09:00 AM PT
Viewing dates
By appointment only
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There are 137 lots within this auction
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We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
Analytik Jena CyBio FeliX Dispensing Unit (2021)
Analytik Jena CyBio FeliX Dispensing Unit (2021)
Analytik Jena CyBio FeliX Dispensing Unit (2021)
Analytik Jena CyBio FeliX Dispensing Unit (2021)
Analytik Jena CyBio FeliX Dispensing Unit (2021)
Mamava Solo Lactation Pod
Pallet of Filing Cabinet
Pallet of (2) Analytik Jena HEPA Hoods
Box of Analytik Jena HEPA Hood Accessories
Pallet of (2) Analytik Jena Dispensing Units (2021)
Analytik Jena CyBio FeliX Dispensing Unit (2021)
Analytik Jena HEPA Hood
Analytik Jena HEPA Hood
Analytik Jena HEPA Hood
Pallet of (2) Analytik Jena HEPA Hoods
Analytik Jena CyBio FeliX Dispensing Unit (2021)
Analytik Jena CyBio FeliX Dispensing Unit (2021
Analytik Jena HEPA Hood
LiCONiC STX220 Automated Incubator (2021)
Apricott Design iPippette Pro
Fisherbrand Isotemp Oven
Fisherbrand Isotemp Oven
Roche LightCycler 480 II, 96 Real Time PCR Test System (2021)
Biotek Instruments Multiflo FX Multi-Mode Dispenser (2021)
4titude a4S Automatic Heat Sealer (2020)
4titude a4S Automatic Heat Sealer (2020)
4titude a4S Automatic Heat Sealer (2020)
4titude a4S Automatic Heat Sealer (2020)
Agilent Bravo Dispensing System; Product No. G5563A (2021)
Agilent Bravo Dispensing System; Product No. G5563A (2021)
Applied Biosystems QuantStudio 7 Pro Real-Time PCR System
4titude a4S Automatic Heat Sealer (2020)
Cab Squix 2/600P Label Printer
Analytik Jena CyBio FeliX R 96/250 uL Dispensing Head (2021)
Analytik Jena CyBio FeliX R 96/250 uL Dispensing Head
Tecan Instrument Fluent 780 Liquid Handling Unit (2021)
Tecan Instrument Fluent 780 Liquid Handling Unit (2021)
Tecan Instrument Fluent 780 Liquid Handling Unit (2022
High-Resolution Laboratory Handling Cell
Analytik Jena CyBio FeliX Liquid Handling Unit (2021)