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600 Mountain Ave
New Providence, NJ
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Surplus Equipment to the Ongoing Operations of Nokia Featuring Network Analyzers, Signal Analyzers, Power Meters and sensors, Spectrum Analyzers, More

Auction dates
Starts: Oct 05, 2023 09:00 AM ET
Ends from: Oct 18, 2023 10:00 AM ET
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We found 26 items matching your search
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We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
QuadTech Sentry Model Sentry 30 AC/DC/IR HiPot Tester
Agilent Technologies Model N9020A MXA Signal Analyzer
Agilent Technologies Model N9020A MXA Signal Analyzer
Agilent Technologies Model N9010A EXA Signal Analyzer
NF Electronic Instruments Model 5060A Frequency Response Analyzer
HP Model 4192A LF Impedance Analyzer
HP Model 8110A Pulse Generator
Associated Research Model 3565D HiPot
Emco Model 4825/2 Lisn Power Monitor
HP Model 3478A Multimeter
Transistor Devices Control Box
HP Model 37718A Communications Performance Analyzer
Rohde & Schwarz Model NRP-Z28 Level Control Sensor
HP Model 8595E Spectrum Analyzer
HP Model 8595E Spectrum Analyzer
Rohde & Schwarz Model NRVD Power Meter
(2) Agilent Model U2001H USB Average Power Sensors
(7) total HP Power 8482A & 8481A Sensors
(8) total HP & agilent power sensors various models
Lot of Power Sensor Cords
Content of Shelf
Content of Shelf
(4) Lineage 24V or 48V Switchgear Breaker Panels - New in Box
(4) Lineage 24V or 48V Switchgear Breaker Panels - New in Box
(4) Lineage 24V or 48V Switchgear Breaker Panels - New in Box