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Princeton Optronics
Venue address
1 Electronics Dr
Trenton, NJ
United States
Princeton Optronics

Semiconductor Sensor Product Mfg. Facility 6” Wafer Fabrication, Front-End & Back-End Process KLA Tencor | Suss | Park | Unaxis | Disco |EVG | CHA Fab

Auction dates
Starts: Oct 16, 2023 09:00 AM ET
Ends from: Oct 24, 2023 10:00 AM ET
Viewing dates
By appointment only
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We found 548 items matching your search
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Bausch & Lomb Stereo Zoom Microscope
Unitron ZSB Stereo Zoom Microscope
Ohaus Heavy Duty Solution Balance
Thermolyne Type 1900 Hot Plate
MRL Industries Model 1006 Modu-Lab Bench Top Furnace
(2) Plas-Labs Desiccant Cabinets
Memmert Type UF110PLUS Single Door Lab Oven
Memmert Type UF110PLUS Single Door Lab Oven
Unitron ZSB Stereo Zoom Microscope
Agilent E3612A DC Power Supply
Dynatronix DuPR10-1-3XR Pulse Power Supply
Bransonic 121OR-MT Ultrasonic Cleaner
Atmos-Tech Portable Hepa Filtered Cleanroom
(3) PLAS Labs, TED Pella & Micron Aire Desiccant Boxes
Logitech Type 1WBT2 Wafer Substrate Bonding Unit
Plasma-Therm Model SLR 720/720 MF Etcher (RIE#2)
Leybold Trivac D30A Vacuum Pump
Neslab HX75 Recirculating Chiller
(2) TED PELLA & Micron Aire Desiccant Boxes
Brooks Model 5850E Mass Flow Controller
Tylan Type 2900 Series Model FC-2900M Mass Flow Controller
Millipore Model FC-2901 4V Mass Flow Controller
Brooks Model 5850E Mass Flow Controller
Unit Instruments Inc. Model UFC-1100A Mass Flow Controller
Unit Instruments Inc. Model UFC-1100A Mass Flow Controller
Brooks Model 5850E Mass Flow Controller
MKS Instruments Model 1179A Mass Flow Controller
OHAUS Adventurer ARA520 Digital Gram Scale
Neslab HX75 Recirculating Chiller
SemiCore (EBEAM#2) Evaporator System
Nikon Eclipse ME600 Microscope
(2) Workstation Benches, (1) Small Table
Precision 814 Explosion Proof Refrigerator
Tory Pines Scientific Hot Plate
Tory Pines Scientific Hot Plate
Tory Pines Scientific Hot Plate
Specialty Coating Systems Inc G3 Spin Coat
(1) Boekel, (2) Micron Aire Desiccant Cabinet Boxes
Agilent 54624A Mega Zoom Oscilloscope
Plas-Labs Desiccant Box
(5) Swivel Based Lab Chairs
Cleantech Three Tier Desiccant Cabinet
Blue M VO914A Vacuum Oven
Rhetech / SemiTool S83SL15S-11101 Dual Spin / Rinse Dryer
Sawatzki Tech CH-9468 Type LRD-250 Lab Resist Developer
Sawatzki Tech CH-9468 Type LSM-250 Spin Coater
(9) RPC Photonics EDR-105x85-100-0.7 Engineered Diffusers
(3) Swivel Based Lab Chairs
LapMaster Series A ACCUPOL Lapping / Polishing Fixture
LapMaster Series A ACCUPOL Lapping / Polishing Fixture
LapMaster Series A ACCUPOL Lapping / Polishing Fixture
LapMaster Series A ACCUPOL Lapping / Polishing Fixture