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Princeton Optronics
Venue address
1 Electronics Dr
Trenton, NJ
United States
Princeton Optronics

Semiconductor Sensor Product Mfg. Facility 6” Wafer Fabrication, Front-End & Back-End Process KLA Tencor | Suss | Park | Unaxis | Disco |EVG | CHA Fab

Auction dates
Starts: Oct 16, 2023 09:00 AM ET
Ends from: Oct 24, 2023 10:00 AM ET
Viewing dates
By appointment only
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We found 66 items matching your search
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We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
Pace 8888-0405 Fume Exhauster
Nikon VM-150 Veritas CNC Video Measuring System
LapMaster 12
Hakko 928 Solder Station w/ 631 Stand & Iron
Hakko 470 Solder Station w/ 631 Stand & Iron
Hakko 928 Solder Station w/ 631 Stand & Iron
Gravograph Copper Sheet Cutter
Leister Hot Jet
(3) Panavice Vices
Hakko 928 Solder Station w/ 631 Stand & Iron
(2) Klinger & Line Tool Micrometer Adjusted Linear Stages
(1) Mitutoyo 6
CUDA I-150 Light Source
Hakko 928 Solder Station w/ 631 Stand & Iron
(2) Work Benches, Bench Vise
Work Bench, 5
Craftsman Model 137219001, 10
Lot of End Mills and Drill Bits
Lot of C-Clamps
Lot 576
Lot of C-Clamps
Lot 577
Greenlee Model RS232, 25 Pin D-Subminiature Panel Punch
Baldor Model 612, Bench Grinder/Buffer
Wilton AMV/SP-100, 4
(2) Bench Vises
Lot 583
Lot of Steel Brushes and Files
Lot of End Mills and Drill Bits
(2) Machinist Clamping Kits
Lot of Wrenches
Lot 592
Lot of Screw Drivers
Lot of Hole Cutters
Dremel Model 3000, Variable Speed Rotary Tool Kit
Craftsman 39 Piece Tap and Die Set
(3) Irwin 38
Central Machinery 6
Lot of Tooling
Lot 613
Lot of Hammers; Mallets; and Sledge Hammers
DeWalt Model DW990, 14.4v 1/2
(1) 4 Piece Combination Square Set; (1) Parallel Set. 10 Pair
Lot of Tooling
Lot 618
Kennedy 7-Drawer Tool Chest
KTC Model BT-30 30 Bond Shear Tester
SPI ESD Test Station
Sloan Model DekTak 3030, Profilometer
Lot of Soldering Equipment
Hakko Model 928, Soldering Station
Hakko Model 928, Soldering Station
Hakko Model 928, Soldering Station
American Beauty Model 600, General Purpose Soldering Pot
Starrett Crystal Pink Granite Surface Plate
HP Model 4278A, 1kHz/1MHz Capacitance Meter
Adwill Model E6152, Manual Wafer Tape Cutting Machine