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BD & Web Industries
Venue address
220 Hopping Brook Rd
Holliston, MA
United States
BD & Web Industries

Surplus Equipment to the Ongoing Operations of Becton Dickinson and Web Industries Mettler Toledo Checkweighs, Epson Robots, Case & Carton Erectors...

Auction dates
Starts: Nov 27, 2023 09:00 AM ET
Ends from: Dec 06, 2023 01:00 PM ET
Viewing dates
Nov 29, 2023 09:00 AM - 03:00 PM ET
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We found 73 items matching your search
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Thermo Scientific Water Purification Unit
Benchmark My Temp Mini Digital Incubator
Wards Scientific Digital Incubator
Thermo Scientific Sorvall Linx 6000 Refrigerated Centrifuge
Thermo Scientific Model Genesis 50 UV-Visible Spectrophotometer
VWR Symphony Model SCPPR-49G Double Glass Door Refrigerator
VWR Model VWR32040A -20° Freezer
VWR Model VWR32040A -20° Freezer
VWR Symphony Model SCCP-33 Double Glass Door Refrigerator
Helmer Model IUF118 -80° Freezer
Phcbi Model MPR-772-PA Pharmaceutical Refrigerator
Phcbi Model MPR-772-PA Pharmaceutical Refrigerator
Phcbi Model MDF-U731M-PA Laboratory -20° Freezer
Masterflex BT 3/4-HP Large Cap. Peristaltic Pump
Fisherbrand Sonicator Model FB505
Invitrogen Low & High Power Biorad Type Electric Cell Generator
(2) Fisher Vortexers
(3) Fisher Scientific Model 1495521B Mini Heat Blocks
Thermo Scientific Orion Star A211 pH Meter
Thermo Scientific Orion Star A211 pH Meter
Mettler Toledo Model XS603S 610gr. Cap. Glass Enclosed Lab Balance
Anton Paar Density Meter Model DMA35
Baoshishan Digital Dynamometer/Tension Meter w/ Case
Thermo Scientific Model ST195026 Magnetic Heated Stir Plate
Masteflex LS Peristaltic Pump
Masteflex LS Peristaltic Pump
Extech Model 382213 DC Regulated Power Supply
(1) Gast Vacuum Pump
Corning LSE Nutating Mixer, Fisherbrand Mini Centrifuge
(5) Hard Foam Lab Stools
Marlowe Model MRO-1500RO Skid/Aca12G RO Water System
(5) Hard Rubber Lab Chairs
Sartorius Model QUINTIX2-102-1S Digital Lab Balance
(8) Bevco/Uline Lab Chairs
(6) Bevco/Uline Lab Stools
(2) Bevco/Uline Lab Chairs
(4) Pallets of Polypropylene Lab Coats
(3) Pallets of Disposable Isolation Clothing/Non-Medical Lab Coats
Olympus Model SZ61 Stereozoom Microscope
Sartorius Secura 13-1S Digital Glass Enclosed Lab Scale
Mettler Toledo Model C3570 Conveyorized Weight Check Machine
Mettler Toledo Model C3570 Conveyorized Weight Check Machine
Mettler Toledo Model C3570 Conveyorized Weight Check Machine
(6) Bevco/Uline Lab Benches
(5) Bevco/Uline Lab Benches, (2) Benchpro Lab Chairs
Pallet of KN95 disposable masks
Thawing-Albert JDC Precision Sample Cutter