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HRF Fastener Systems, Inc
Venue address
70 Horizon Drive
Bristol, CT
United States
HRF Fastener Systems, Inc

Well-Maintained Manufacturer with Rotary Transfer Machines (6) Hydromat Rotary Transfer Machines, Machining & Stamping (4) Haas CNC Vertical Machining

Auction dates
Starts: Nov 29, 2023 08:00 AM ET
Ends from: Dec 06, 2023 10:00 AM ET
Viewing dates
By appointment only
Auction currency
Accepted cards
We found 159 items matching your search
Primary Category
Item Type
Sorted by
We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
(2) Mitutoyo Calipers
(3) Mitutoyo Absolute IP67 Coolant Proof Digital Calipers
(4) Mitutoyo Absolute IP67 Coolant Proof Digital Calipers
(4) Mitutoyo Absolute IP67 Coolant Proof Digital Calipers
Brown & Sharpe 6
Mitutoyo 0-1
Fowler 0-1
(6) Assorted Micrometers
(4) Assorted Micrometers
Digital 0-12
Accuremote Digital Depth Gauge, Dial Depth Gauge
SPI 1.2
(2) SPI & (1) MHC Groove Micrometers
Mitutoyo Absolute HDS Digimatic Height Gauge
Flexbar Model 16169 Inspection Gauge Ball Set
Accupro 4
Assorted Pin Gauge Sets
Multi-Drawer Small Parts Bin w/ Contents
Mahr Federal Pocket Surf III Surface Roughness Tester
(2) SPI Chamfer Gauges
(2) SPI Chamfer Gauges
Rockwell Model 1JR Hardness Tester w/ Stand
Assorted Indicator Stands
(3) Indicator Stands w/ Custom Keyless Chuck Fixture
Mitutoyo Model PH361 Optical Comparator
DEA Model 0102 CMM
2-Door Metal Cabinet w/ Contents
V-Block Set
Lot 29
(5) V-Blocks, Magnetic Base V-Block
(3) Magnetic Tiedown Clamps, Go No Go Fixture
Albrecht Precision Keyless Chuck - New in Box
Armstrong Tools Torque Wrench
Rush Machinery Model 132C Drill & Tool Grinder
Victor Model 1630 Engine Lathe 16 x 30
Fanuc Spindle Amp AC-6S Spindle Controller
Haas Model VF-2B CNC Vertical Machining Center
Harig Model Super 618 Surface Grinder
DeWalt 14
Baldor Double Ended Pedestal Buffer Grinder
Powermatic Model 1150 Pedestal Drill Press
Hydromat Pmac 3-Axis Box
Hydromat Pmac 2-Axis Box
Large Lot of Hydromat Turning Heads
Ferro Mats - New in Box Cold Saw Blades