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Venue address
Blv Interamerican 304
FINSA Monterrey Industrial Park
Ciudad Apocada, Nuevo Leon

High Precision & Large Capacity CNC Machining Facility Turning & Milling for Oil & Gas Industry

Auction dates
Dec 13, 2023 12:00 PM CT
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By appointment only
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Mazak Slant Turn Nexus 550, Matrix Nexus Control
Mazak Slant Turn Nexus 550, Matrix Nexus Control
Mazak Cybertech Turn 4500M, Matrix Nexus Control
Tooling for Unisig B600 Gun Drill
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Mori Seiki SL-35B
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Weiler E90, Weiler Control (Siemens Based), Chip Conveyor
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JONES & LAMSON TNC Combi 615, GE Fanuc Series 18iT Control
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SUNNEN GH-2102513A0EM 13’ Stroke
Magnaflux ADH-2045-L Magnetic Wet Bench
Eitel RP-40 Press
Lindberg 12-EC-2848-12 Pit Furnace
Instron 600DX-C3A-G1F, 600kn Frame Cap
Mic Trac MT-3012-50 Measuring System
DoAll 2012-VH Vertical Bandsaw
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