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Deluxe Plastics
Venue address
939 S Whelen Ave
Medford, WI
United States
Deluxe Plastics

Well-Maintained Multi-Shot Injection Molding and Decorating Equipment Surplus Equipment to the Expanding Operations of Deluxe Plastics

Auction dates
Starts: Nov 20, 2023 08:00 AM CT
Ends from: Nov 28, 2023 10:00 AM CT
Viewing dates
By appointment only
Nov 27, 2023 09:00 AM - 04:00 PM CT
Auction currency
There are 103 lots within this auction
Primary Category
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We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
Okamato Surface Grinder Model 618 Linear
Bridgeport Series 2 Milling Machine
Nissei PS60E9A 60-Ton x 2.3-Oz Injection Molding Machine
Nissei PS40E5A 40-Ton x 1.9-Oz Injection Molding Machine
Nissei PS40E5A 40-Ton x 1.9-Oz Injection Molding Machine
Nissei PS60E9A 60-Ton x 2.3-Oz Injection Molding Machine
Nissei PS60E9A 60-Ton x 2.3-Oz Injection Molding Machine
Scienscope Optical Vision Measuring Machine
Custom Steel 1-Ton Monorail w/ R&M Electric Hoist
Koch HCE-237 Batch Oven
JPW Roll-in Oven Model ST496T
Memmert UFE 600 Benchtop Oven
(2) Crizaf Belt Conveyors On Common Adjustable Stand
Mini Mover Belt Conveyor
Novatec Dryer Model MD-25 w/ 30-Lb Hopper
Novatec Dryer Model MD-25 w/ 100-Lb Hopper
Novatec Dryer Model MD-25A w/ 30-Lb Hopper
Novatec Dryer Model DCS-25M w/ 60-Lb Hopper
Novatec Dryer Model DCS-25M w/ 60-Lb Hopper
Conair Dryer Model SC-7.5 w/ Hopper
DRI-AIR Dryer Model ARID-X 15 w/ Hopper
Novatec Dryer Model DCS-25 w/ 60-Lb Hopper
DRI-AIR Dryer Model ARID-X 15 w/ Hopper
Novatec Dryer Model MD-25 w/ 30-Lb Hopper
Novatec Dryer Model MD-50A w/ 100-Lb Hopper
Novatec Dryer Model N-7, 2006, w/ Hopper
Novatec Dryer Model MD-50A w/ (2) 100-Lb Hoppers
Novatec Dryer Model MD-25A w/ (2) 30-Lb Hoppers
Novatec Dryer Model MD-50A w/ (2) 100-Lb Hoppers
Novatec Dryer Model MDM-25 w/ 45-Lb Hopper
Novatec Dryer Model MD-25A w/ (2) 30-Lb Hoppers
Novatec Dryer Model MD-25
Novatec Dryer Model MD-25A w/ (2) 30-Lb Hoppers
Novatec Dryer Model MD-25 w/ 100-Lb Hopper
Novatec Dryer Model MDM-25 w/ 45-Lb Hopper
MoldVac Mold Vacuum
Sterling Hot Oil Temperature Controller
Sterling Hot Oil Temperature Controller
Sterlco Temperature Control
Sterlco Temperature Control
Sterlco Temperature Control
Sterlco Temperature Control
Sterlco Temperature Control