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Molecular Testing Lab
Venue address
201 Littleton Rd
Suite 140
Morris Plains, NJ
United States
Molecular Testing Lab

Surplus to Ongoing Operations of NJ Molecular Testing Lab Offering of New Lab Instruments–As New As 2022! Agilent | Eppendorf | Thermo Fisher | Azenta

Auction dates
Starts: Jan 23, 2024 09:00 AM ET
Ends from: Jan 30, 2024 11:00 AM ET
Viewing dates
By appointment only
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We found 78 items matching your search
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Apricot Designs iPPN3MS-96-1000 i-Pipette Pro
Qiagen QIAxcel Advanced DNA Synthesizer
Bio-Rad QXDx Droplet Reader (2019)
Corning PC-420D Hot Plate Stirrer
Ohaus Pioneer Precision Balance
Lot of Formulatrix Mantis Supplies and Parts
Qiagen QIAcube DNA / RNA Isolation Purification System
Nuaire NU-540-400 Labgard Biological Safety Cabinet
Lot of (3) Gilson Pipetgmann
Lot of (2) Boxes of Globe Diamond Apex Pippetors
Lot of (2) Boxes of Globe Diamond Apex Pippetors
Gilson Pipetman L P2L 4- Pipette Kit
Gilson Pipetman L P2L 4- Pipette Kit
Gilson Pipetman L P2L 4- Pipette Kit
Gilson Pipetman L P2L 4- Pipette Kit
Analytik Jean CyBio FeliX Head R 96/250 uL (2021)
Analytik Jean CyBio FeliX Head R 96/1000 uL (2021)
Analytik Jean CyBio FeliX Head R 96/250 uL (2021)
Analytik Jean CyBio FeliX Head R 96/60 uL (2020)
Analytik Jean CyBio FeliX Head R 96/60 uL (2021)
Q Instruments BioShake 3000 elm Orbital Shaker
Eppendorf Thermomixer R 5355 Mixer
Alpaqua Magnum FLX Enhanced Universal Magnet Plate (2021)
Alpaqua Magnum FLX Enhanced Universal Magnet Plate (2021)
Alpaqua Magnum FLX Enhanced Universal Magnet Plate (2021)
Lot of Opentrons Consumables
Opentrons Heater- Shaker Module
Opentrons Heater- Shaker Module
Q Instruments BioShake 5000 elm Orbital Shaker
Q Instruments BioShake 3000 elm Orbital Shaker
Q Instruments BioShake 3000 elm Orbital Shaker
Q Instruments BioShake 3000 elm Orbital Shaker
Alpaqua Magnum FLX Enhanced Universal Magnet Plate (2021)
Alpaqua Magnum FLX Enhanced Universal Magnet Plate (2021)
Perkin Elmer PinAAcle 900ZIVD Atomic Absorption Spectrometer
Stirling ULT25NEU Ultracold Portable Ultra-Low Freezer
Stirling ULT25NEU Ultracold Portable Ultra-Low Freezer
Stirling ULT25NEU Ultracold Portable Ultra-Low Freezer
Drucker Diagnostics Horizon 6 Flex Centrifuge
Drucker Diagnostics Horizon 6 Flex Centrifuge
Drucker Diagnostics Horizon 6 Flex Centrifuge
Thermo Scientific Multidrop Combi Microplate Dispenser
LVL Technologies CRYO.S 8-Channel Decapper
LVL Technologies CRYO.S 8-Channel Decapper
(2) Alpaqua Magnum FLX Universal Magnet Plates (2021)