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Tangen Biosciences
Venue address
20 Commercial Street
Branford, CT
United States
Tangen Biosciences

Biotech Lab and Medical Device Manufacturer - Complete Facility Closure; Analytical Instruments and Test & Measurement Equipment

Auction dates
Starts: Feb 05, 2024 08:00 AM ET
Ends from: Feb 07, 2024 10:00 AM ET
Viewing dates
By appointment only
Feb 06, 2024 09:00 AM - 04:00 PM ET
Auction currency
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We found 46 items matching your search
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We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
Mark-10 ESM303 Test Stand
Uline H-1653 Counting Scale, 3,000g Capacity
Nilfisk GD 930-H Euroclean HEPA Vacuum w/ Attachments
Quest Hi-E Dry 195 Dehumidifier
(3) Uline Wire Shelves, 2' W x 1' D x 6' H
Assorted Power Strips
Assorted Anti-Fatigue Mats, (5) 10', (1) 4'
(2) Uline Metro Style Portable Wire Racks
Lot of Assorted Gauges, Regulators, and Controls
Quest Hi-E Dry 195 Dehumidifier
Nilfisk GD 930-H Euroclean HEPA Vacuum w/ Attachments
Craftsman 3-HP/12-Gal Portable Air Compressor
10-Gal Compressed Air Storage Tank (2019)
Nilfisk GD 930-H Euroclean HEPA Vacuum w/ Attachments
Uline H-1564S-Y 45-Gal Flammable Storage Cabinet
Aluminum Dock Plate (Late Delivery)
Uline Security Cage w/ Steel Wires Panles, Posts
Uline Assorted Steel Shelving w/ Uprights, Clips, Supports
GW Instek GPT-9601 AC Withstanding Voltage Tester
Star-Lite WTX-500 Voltage Transformer/Regulator
Imada 30 x 0.2-Lb Force Gauge
Mitutoyo 547-217S Digital Force Gauge
BBC Industries 11-1500U Thermazone Infrared Heater
Wagner ForceOne FDIX Digital Force Gauge w/ FKT 100 Test Stand
(3) Dwyer 2000-00 Magnehelic Gages
(3) Assorted Gages
Senco PC1010N 0.5-HP/1-Gal Air Compressor
Senco PC1010N 0.5-HP/1-Gal Air Compressor
Lot of Honeywell Fan & Vornado Space Heater
Watts Portable Water Expansion Tank
Lot of Portable Coat Rack & Wire Shelf
(2) Uline Metro Style Portable Wire Racks
(3) Uline Wire Shelves
Uline Metro Style Portable Wire Cage Rack
Assorted Uline Perishable/Insulated Shipping Kits (Not Used)
Large Assortment of Plastic Bins
Sandusky 2-Door Metal Cabinet w/ Cleaner Supplies
Uline H-1043 5,500-Lb Pallet Jack (Late Delivery)
Global 318513 400 x 0.5-Lb Shipping Scale
Rubbermaid 4010 150-Lb Shipping Scale
Lot Butcher Block Workbench w/ Zebra GK420d Printer
Lot of Steel Shelf w/ Shipping Supplies
(9) Section Adjustable Steel Shelving w/ Wood Decks
Lot of Workbench, Table, Little Giant Step Ladder, Poly Cart