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Plastic Cap Manufacturer
Venue address
3 Greek Lane
Edison, NJ
United States
Plastic Cap Manufacturer

Surplus Equipment from a Multinational Closures Company Plastic Bottle Cap Injection Molder Complete Facility Closure

Auction dates
Starts: Jan 29, 2024 08:00 AM ET
Ends from: Jan 31, 2024 11:00 AM ET
Viewing dates
By appointment only
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There are 331 lots within this auction
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We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
EMI Conveyor w/ Vari-Drive DC Motor Speed Control
EMI Conveyor w/ Vari-Drive DC Motor Speed Control
IMS Rolling Material Hopper
Novatec Hopper w/ AF-1 Additive Feeder, (2) Loaders
Novatec Hopper w/ AF-1 Additive Feeder, (2) Loaders
Novatec Hopper w/ AF-1 Additive Feeder, (2) Loaders
Novatec Hopper w/ AF-1 Additive Feeder, (2) Loaders
Novatec Hopper w/ Loader
Novatec Hopper w/ AF-1 Additive Feeder, (2) Loaders
Novatec Hopper w/ AF-1 Additive Feeder, (2) Loaders
Novatec Hopper w/ AF-1 Additive Feeder, (2) Loaders
Novatec Hopper w/ AF-1 Additive Feeder, (2) Loaders
Strong Hold Steel Foreman's Shop Desk
Plastic Bottle Cap Finishing Components
Strong Hold Steel Foreman's Shop Desk
Plastic Bottle Cap Finishing System
Plastic Bottle Cap Finishing System
Plastic Bottle Cap Finishing System
Strong Hold Steel Foreman's Shop Desk
Plastic Bottle Cap Finishing System
Strong Hold Steel Foreman's Shop Desk
Plastic Bottle Cap Finishing System
Plastic Bottle Cap Finishing System
Plastic Bottle Cap Finishing System
Acme Electric Transformer 150-kVA
Acme Electric Transformer 150-kVA
Jefferson Electric Transformer 112.5-kVA
Jefferson Electric Transformer 112.5-kVA
Jefferson Electric Transformer 112.5-kVA
Jefferson Electric Transformer 112.5-kVA
Jefferson Electric Transformer 112.5-kVA
Jefferson Electric Transformer 112.5-kVA
Jefferson Electric Transformer 112.5-kVA
Jefferson Electric Transformer 112.5-kVA
Jefferson Electric Transformer 112.5-kVA
Jefferson Electric Transformer 112.5-kVA
Jefferson Electric Transformer 112.5-kVA
Jefferson Electric Transformer 112.5-kVA
Manchester 660-Gallon Air Reserve Tank