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Plastic Cap Manufacturer
Venue address
3 Greek Lane
Edison, NJ
United States
Plastic Cap Manufacturer

Surplus Equipment from a Multinational Closures Company Plastic Bottle Cap Injection Molder Complete Facility Closure

Auction dates
Starts: Jan 29, 2024 08:00 AM ET
Ends from: Jan 31, 2024 11:00 AM ET
Viewing dates
By appointment only
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We found 31 items matching your search
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We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
(4) Jorgensen Bar Clamps
Electric And Pneumatic Engravers
Jet Milling/Drilling Machine Model JMD-18 (2-HP 230 1PH)
Baldor 1/3-HP Grinder/Buffer
Surface Grinder
Lot 169
Jet Belt/Disc Sander Model JSG-96
Jet 15
Arbor Press #4
Lot 174
MSC Metal Cutting Band Saw Model 09518879
MSC Lathe Model 09517350
Aloris BXA Tool Post w/ (5) Tool Holders
(2) Kant-Twist Clamps #10 And (2) C Clamps
Wilton 6
Arbor Press #00
Lot 189
(2) Bessey Bar Clamps
Palmgren 6
Reed WA36 Heavy Duty 5
H.K. Porter No. 3 Bolt Cutter
Ridgid Pipe Threading Wrench w/ Dies
Ridgid 2A/202 Pipe Cutter
Assorted Masonry Long Drill Bits
(2) Conduit Bender
H.K. Porter Large Wire Cutters
Miller Portable Spot Welder System
Wilton Bullet Vise 4 1/2
(2) Quick-Grip Bar Clamps
Miller Millermatic 252 Welder
Miller Foldable Welding Table 29
(2) Fowler Ext Electric Caliper Gage
Steel Banding Cart w/ Tensioner And Crimper
(2) Task Force Foldable Saw Horses