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Reed Prototype & Machining
Venue address
303 W San Antonio St
Lockhart, TX
United States
Reed Prototype & Machining

Former Assets of Aerospace CNC Machining Facility (4) Mazak VCC-5X VMCs (2) Fadal EMC VMCs Large Qty of CAT 40 Tooling, Rotary Tables & CNC Support...

Auction dates
Starts: Feb 06, 2024 09:00 AM CT
Ends from: Feb 13, 2024 10:00 AM CT
Viewing dates
Feb 12, 2024 09:00 AM - 04:00 PM CT
Auction currency
Accepted cards
There are 248 lots within this auction
Primary Category
Item Type
Sorted by
We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
Lot of (8) Industrial Electrical Cord Reels
Metro Stainless Steel Rollaround Cabinet
Metro Stainless Steel Rollaround Cabinet
Lot of (2) Metal Storage Cabinets
Lot of (5) Office Chairs
Lot of (8) Boxes of Metal Wire Shelving
Bellows-Valvair Pneumatic Press
Kaiser Height Gauge
Nakatomi Mobile Spot Cooler
Bellows-Valvair Pneumatic Press
Heateflex Aquarius DI Water Heater
Standridge Granite Surface Plate
PIG Waste Compactor
Precision Granite Surface Plate
Starrett Granite Surface Plate
Nikro HEPA Filtered Vacuum
Heateflex Aquarius DI Water Heater
Pennsylvania Scale Low-Profile Barrel Scale
AirRex Portable Spot Cooler
Hewlett-Packard DesignJet 500 42
Mettler Toledo 2181 Scale
Pennsylvania Scale Low-Profile Barrel Scale
Pennsylvania Scale Low-Profile Barrel Scale
Huot Toolscoot Tool Holder Cart
Huot Toolscoot Tool Holder Cart
Lot of (4) Rego-Fix Cat 40 / PG 25 x 4
Lot of (4) Rego-Fix Cat 40 / PG 25 x 4
Lot of (4) Rego-Fix Cat 40 / PG 15 x 6
Mazak VCC 5X 20K 5-Axis Mill
Lot of (4) Rego-Fix Cat 40 / PG 25 x 4
Lot of (4) Rego-Fix Cat 40 / PG 25 x 4
Fadal EMC Mill
Lot 110
Mazak VCC 5X 20K 5-Axis Mill
Lot of (4) Rego-Fix Cat 40 / PG 25 x 4
Delta X5 Band Saw w/ Stand
Mazak VCC 5X 20K 5-Axis Mill
Lista CAT 40 Tooling Storage Cabinet
Craftsman 15
Lista CAT 40 Tooling Storage Cabinet
Lista CAT 40 Tooling Storage Cabinet
Omnicell Automated Stockroom Cabinet
Powermatic Tablesaw