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Toyo Automotive Parts USA | Day 2
Venue address
521 Page Drive
Franklin, KY
United States
Toyo Automotive Parts USA | Day 2

Closure of Automotive Parts Manufacturer Day 2: Online Auction of Facility Support Equipment Pallet Racking; Air Compressors; Robots, and more

Auction dates
Starts: Mar 28, 2024 08:00 AM CT
Ends from: Apr 03, 2024 10:01 AM CT
Viewing dates
By appointment only
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We found 536 items matching your search
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We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
Lot of Omron Model F3SJ-A1265P20D Safety Curtains
Lot of (4) Mitsubishi Electric Model E700 Inverters
Pig 2- Door Flammable Liquid Storage Cabinet
(2) Pallet Lots of Work Gloves
Lot of (300) Plastic Totes on (10) Pallets
Lot of (300) Plastic Totes on (10) Pallets
Lot of (300) Plastic Totes on (10) Pallets
Lot of (300) Plastic Totes on (10) Pallets
Lot of (300) Plastic Totes on (10) Pallets
Lot of (300) Plastic Totes on (10) Pallets
Lot of (300) Plastic Totes on (10) Pallets
Lot of (300) Plastic Totes on (10) Pallets
Lot of (300) Plastic Totes on (10) Pallets
Lot of (300) Plastic Totes on (10) Pallets
Lot of (300) Plastic Totes on (10) Pallets
Lot of (300) Plastic Totes on (10) Pallets
Lot of (300) Plastic Totes on (10) Pallets
Assorted Ladders
Assorted Ladders
Large Lot of Roller Top Conveyor
Double Sided Cantilever Arco Bin Rack w/ Contents
Lot of SMC Parts, Keyence Parts, Fuses, Rotary Attachment
Lot of Floor Scrapers, Magnetic Wands, Road Cones
Flat Bed Cart and Pneumatic Tire Hand Truck
Lot of (14) Dolly's
Lot of (360) Plastic Totes on (10) Pallets
Lot of (360) Plastic Totes on (10) Pallets
Lot of (360) Plastic Totes on (10) Pallets
Lot of (360) Plastic Totes on (10) Pallets
Lot of (360) Plastic Totes on (10) Pallets
Lot of (360) Plastic Totes on (10) Pallets
Lot of (360) Plastic Totes on (10) Pallets
Lot of (288) Plastic Totes on (10) Pallets
Lot of (2) Creform Gravity Racks
Lot of (2) Creform Gravity Racks
Lot of (2) Creform Gravity Racks
Lot of (2) Creform Gravity Racks
Lot of (2) Creform Gravity Racks
Lot of (2) Creform Gravity Racks
Lot of (2) Creform Gravity Racks
Alum.a.lift Aluminum Electric Screw Jack Lift
Alum.a.lift Aluminum Electric Screw Jack Lift
Creform NSB BST AGV Automated Tugger
Creform NSB BST AGV Automated Tugger
Creform NSB BST AGV Automated Tugger
Creform NSB BST AGV Automated Tugger
Creform NSB BST AGV Automated Tugger
Creform Custom Made Castered Conveyored Lift Table
Creform Custom Made Castered Conveyored Lift Table
Creform Custom Made Castered Conveyored Lift Table
Lot of (3) Double Cell Battery Creform Tugger Packs
Lot of (3) Double Cell Battery Creform Tugger Packs
Battery Pack Lifter
Creform Battery Pack Lifter
Interactor Microprocessor Controlled Battery Charger Stand
Dual Battery Charging Station w Interactor Battery Charger
Lot of (3) Creform Guide by Wire Digital Control Stations