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CVS Clinical Trial Services
Venue address
282A Quarry Rd
Milford, CT
United States
CVS Clinical Trial Services

Multi-Consignor Lab, Pharma, Analytical Equipment: Sequencers | Chromatography | Liquid Handling | Test & Meas | Freezers | Centrifuges | Microscopes

Auction dates
Starts: Mar 05, 2024 10:00 AM ET
Ends from: Mar 12, 2024 10:00 AM ET
Viewing dates
By appointment only
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We found 357 items matching your search
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Stirling Ultracold ULT25NEU Ultra-Low Temperature Freezer
Stirling Ultracold ULT25NEU Ultra-Low Temperature Freezer
Stirling Ultracold ULT25NEU Ultra-Low Temperature Freezer
Stirling Ultracold ULT25NEU Ultra-Low Temperature Freezer
Stirling Ultracold ULT25NEU Ultra-Low Temperature Freezer
Drucker Diagnostics Horizon 6 Flex Centrifuge
Drucker Diagnostics Horizon 6 Flex Centrifuge
Drucker Diagnostics Horizon 6 Flex Centrifuge
Drucker Diagnostics Horizon 6 Flex Centrifuge
Drucker Diagnostics Horizon 6 Flex Centrifuge
Drucker Diagnostics Horizon 6 Flex Centrifuge
Drucker Diagnostics Horizon 6 Flex Centrifuge
Drucker Diagnostics Horizon 6 Flex Centrifuge
Drucker Diagnostics Horizon 6 Flex Centrifuge
Stirling Ultracold ULT25NEU Ultra-Low Temperature Freezer
Stirling Ultracold ULT25NEU Ultra-Low Temperature Freezer
Stirling Ultracold ULT25NEU Ultra-Low Temperature Freezer
Stirling Ultracold ULT25NEU Ultra-Low Temperature Freezer
Stirling Ultracold ULT25NEU Ultra-Low Temperature Freezer
Stirling Ultracold ULT25NEU Ultra-Low Temperature Freezer
Drucker Diagnostics Horizon 6 Flex Centrifuge
Drucker Diagnostics Horizon 6 Flex Centrifuge
Drucker Diagnostics Horizon 6 Flex Centrifuge
Drucker Diagnostics Horizon 6 Flex Centrifuge
Drucker Diagnostics Horizon 6 Flex Centrifuge
Drucker Diagnostics Horizon 6 Flex Centrifuge
Drucker Diagnostics Horizon 6 Flex Centrifuge
Drucker Diagnostics Horizon 6 Flex Centrifuge
Drucker Diagnostics Horizon 6 Flex Centrifuge
Drucker Diagnostics Horizon 6 Flex Centrifuge
(2) Stirling UltraCold ULT25-6D000-A Power Plugs
(21) J-B Weld No. 8277 Water-Weld Tubes, NEW
(34) Stirling UltraCold Ice Scrapers
Thermo Scientific Medifuge Centrifuge (2022)
Thermo Scientific Medifuge Centrifuge (2022)
Thermo Scientific Medifuge Centrifuge (2022)
Assorted Scoops
Secador Scienceware Desicant Box
ThermPro Digital Thermometer
Eppendorf Multipette M4 Repeater Manual Pipette Dispenser
Eppendorf Multipette M4 Repeater Manual Pipette Dispenser
IKA EuroStar 100 Digital Lab Mixer
Illumina NextSeq 1000 DNA Sequencer
Illumina MiSeq DNA Sequencer
Illumina MiniSeq DNA Sequencer
Olympus BH2 Fluorescence Microscope
Olympus IMT-2 Inverted Research Microscope
(136) Boxes Tru Red 1.0mm Tip Size BLACK Ballpoint Stick Pens
(48) Kimtech 62494(02) M3 Certified Sterile White Face Masks,