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Tools Plus, Inc.
Venue address
153 Meadow St
Waterbury, CT
United States
Tools Plus, Inc.

2-Day Online Auction of Equipment & Tool Inventory - Complete Closure of Retail Store & Distribution Center

Auction dates
Starts: May 06, 2024 08:00 AM ET
Ends from: May 09, 2024 09:00 AM ET
Viewing dates
By appointment only
May 06, 2024 08:00 AM - 03:00 PM ET
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We found 34 items matching your search
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We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
BOGEN Communications TPU35B 35 Watt Telephone Paging Amplifier
Box Lot of Astro 52SL-WCP Charging Pads, USB-C DL
Bosch D-tect200C Wallscanner Kit
Bosch D-tect200C Wallscanner Kit
Bosch D-tect200C Wallscanner Kit
Bosch D-tect200C Wallscanner Kit
Bosch D-tect200C Wallscanner Kit
Bosch D-tect200C Wallscanner Kit
Bosch D-tect200C Wallscanner Kit
Bosch D-tect200C Wallscanner Kit
Beseler Condenser Enlarger Camera Equipment
(6) Motorola MC3190 Handheld Barcode Scanners w/ Cradles
Elo Mounted Computer w/ (2) Zebra ZP 450 Label Printers
Elo Mounted Computer
Elo Mounted Computer
Elo E420297 Computer, Oki Microline 320 Printer
Elo Computer, LG Monitor,
(5) APC 600 Back - UPS's Uninterruptable Battery Backups
(5) Brother Toner Cartridges
Elo E549028 Computer
HP VH240A Diagonal Monitor
HP E24TG4 Diagonal FHD Touch Monitor
Box Lot of (9) Handheld Barcode Scanning Computers
Zebra ZP505 Label Printer
SATO M-84Pro Label Printer
HP ProDesk 400 G6 Desktop Mini PC
Dell Vostro PC, Xerox ColorQube 8570 Printer, Fans
(3) 3-Drawer Lateral Cabinets w/ Countertop
Brother MFC-J6720DW Printer / Copier
Xerox ColorQube 8570 Printer
(2) Apple A1567 & A1475 Ipads