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Tools Plus, Inc.
Venue address
153 Meadow St
Waterbury, CT
United States
Tools Plus, Inc.

2-Day Online Auction of Equipment & Tool Inventory - Complete Closure of Retail Store & Distribution Center

Auction dates
Starts: May 06, 2024 08:00 AM ET
Ends from: May 09, 2024 09:00 AM ET
Viewing dates
By appointment only
May 06, 2024 08:00 AM - 03:00 PM ET
Auction currency
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We found 35 items matching your search
Primary Category
Item Type
Sorted by
We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
Box Lot of Blow Off Tubes
Box Lot of Blow Off Tubes
Box Lot of Blow Off Tubes
Milwaukee 30
Milwaukee 30
Milwaukee 30
Milwaukee 30
Milwaukee 30
Milwaukee 30
Milwaukee Drink Coasters, Lanyards, Pens & Coffee Mugs
Hitachi 30
Numerous Kett #60-22R Side Knifes
(9) Metabo Grinderfest Mugs
(5) Metabo Grinderfest Mugs
(5) Metabo Grinderfest Mugs
(5) Metabo Grinderfest Mugs
(10) Milwaukee Rocks Glasses
(8) Milwaukee Rocks Glasses
(5) Milwaukee Stainless Solo Stove's
(5) Milwaukee Stainless Solo Stove's
(12) Milwaukee Pint Glasses
(16) Milwaukee Pint Glasses
(16) Milwaukee Pint Glasses
(10) Milwaukee Beer Stein / Mugs
(10) Milwaukee Beer Stein / Mugs
(10) Milwaukee Beer Stein / Mugs
(10) Milwaukee Stemless Wine Glasses
(10) Milwaukee Stemless Wine Glasses
(10) Milwaukee Stemless Wine Glasses
(12) Ullman 17-1/4
(13) Ullman 10-1/4
(4) Ullman 13-1/4
(2) Bosch RHA-50 SDS-Plus Right Angle Attachments
Butcher Block Topped Bench, Small Table
(2) S.S. Tables, Mr Coffee Maker, Keurig