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Tools Plus, Inc.
Venue address
153 Meadow St
Waterbury, CT
United States
Tools Plus, Inc.

2-Day Online Auction of Equipment & Tool Inventory - Complete Closure of Retail Store & Distribution Center

Auction dates
Starts: May 06, 2024 08:00 AM ET
Ends from: May 09, 2024 09:00 AM ET
Viewing dates
By appointment only
May 06, 2024 08:00 AM - 03:00 PM ET
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We found 97 items matching your search
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We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
(3) Makita DC18SE 18V Lithium-Ion Automotive Charger
(3) Makita DC18SE 18V Lithium-Ion Automotive Charger
(3) Makita DC18SE 18V Lithium-Ion Automotive Charger
(3) Makita DC18SE 18V Lithium-Ion Automotive Charger
(3) Makita DC18SE 18V Lithium-Ion Automotive Charger
(3) Makita DC18SE 18V Lithium-Ion Automotive Charger
(3) Makita DC18SE 18V Lithium-Ion Automotive Charger
(3) Makita DC18SE 18V Lithium-Ion Automotive Charger
(4) Makita DC18SE 18V Lithium-Ion Automotive Charger
(4) Makita DC18SE 18V Lithium-Ion Automotive Charger
Astro 7856 Air Cooling Tester
(3) NOVA 2MTNA Acruline 2MT Alignment Systems
Large Box Lot of 48
Large Box Lot of 48
Jet JTJ Series Model JTJ-55T Toe Jack
(3) GearWrench 80583 13 Pc. External Torx Socket Sets
(3) GearWrench 80583 13 Pc. External Torx Socket Sets
(3) GearWrench 80583 13 Pc. External Torx Socket Sets
GearWrench 80554S-06 14Pc. Metric Mid-Length Socket Set
(2) GearWrench 84940 7 Pc. Metric Impact Hex Bit Socket Sets
GearWrench 83350 Wing Light w/ Under Hood Rack
GearWrench 83350 Wing Light w/ Under Hood Rack
GearWrench 83350 Wing Light w/ Under Hood Rack
GearWrench 86928 16 Pc. Metric Combination Ratcheting Wrench Set
GearWrench 86928 16 Pc. Metric Combination Ratcheting Wrench Set
GearWrench 84918N 15 Pc. Metric Universal Impact Socket Set
GearWrench 41720 8 Pc. Master Sensor Socket Kit
(2) GearWrench 3900 Fan Clutch Universal Pully Holders
GearWrench 80726 36 Pc. Master Torx Set
GearWrench 80726 36 Pc. Master Torx Set
GearWrench 80726 36 Pc. Master Torx Set
GearWrench 80726 36 Pc. Master Torx Set
GearWrench 80726 36 Pc. Master Torx Set
GearWrench 86959 14 Pc. SAE Combination Ratcheting Wrench Set
GearWrench 41580D Fan Clutch Service Kit
GearWrench 64-836G Torque Multiplier
GearWrench 64-830G Torque Multiplier
GearWrench 64-830G Torque Multiplier
GearWrench 64-833G Torque Multiplier
GearWrench 64-836G Torque Multiplier
GearWrench 41580D Fan Clutch Service Kit