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Tools Plus, Inc.
Venue address
153 Meadow St
Waterbury, CT
United States
Tools Plus, Inc.

2-Day Online Auction of Equipment & Tool Inventory - Complete Closure of Retail Store & Distribution Center

Auction dates
Starts: May 06, 2024 08:00 AM ET
Ends from: May 09, 2024 09:00 AM ET
Viewing dates
By appointment only
May 06, 2024 08:00 AM - 03:00 PM ET
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We found 44 items matching your search
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(6) Metabo UB 18DJL Cordless Worklights
(5) Metabo UB 18DJL Cordless Worklights
(5) Metabo UB 18DJL Cordless Worklights
Milwaukee 48-37-5020 2
Milwaukee 48-37-7014 14' Concrete Vibrator Shaft
Kraft Tool Co. BC582 Mini Brick Splitter
Kraft Tool Co. BC582 Mini Brick Splitter
Kraft CC162 Concrete Slider Knee Boards
Kraft CC162 Concrete Slider Knee Boards
(2) Kraft CC944 Aluminum Concrete Placers
(2) Bosch GLI18V-1900N LED Floodlights
(2) Bosch GLI18V-1900N LED Floodlights
(2) Bosch GLI18V-1900N LED Floodlights
(4) Makita D-21353 Bull Point
Assorted Signs
Lot 1868
Assorted Signs
Lot 2157
(2) GeoShack F034094C11 Telescoping Rectangular Leveling Rods
(2) GeoShack F034094C11 Telescoping Rectangular Leveling Rods
(2) GeoShack F034094C11 Telescoping Rectangular Leveling Rods
(2) GeoShack F034094C11 Telescoping Rectangular Leveling Rods
(2) GeoShack F034094C11 Telescoping Rectangular Leveling Rods
(2) GeoShack F034094C11 Telescoping Rectangular Leveling Rods
(2) GeoShack F034094F15 Telescoping Rectangular Leveling Rods
(2) GeoShack F034094F15 Telescoping Rectangular Leveling Rods
(2) GeoShack F034094F15 Telescoping Rectangular Leveling Rods
(2) GeoShack F034094F15 Telescoping Rectangular Leveling Rods
(2) GeoShack F034094F15 Telescoping Rectangular Leveling Rods
(2) GeoShack F034094F15 Telescoping Rectangular Leveling Rods
(2) GeoShack F034094F15 Telescoping Rectangular Leveling Rods
(2) GeoShack F034094F15 Telescoping Rectangular Leveling Rods
(2) GeoShack F034094F15 Telescoping Rectangular Leveling Rods
(2) GeoShack F034094A13 Telescoping Rectangular Leveling Rods
(2) GeoShack F034094A13 Telescoping Rectangular Leveling Rods
(2) GeoShack F034094A13 Telescoping Rectangular Leveling Rods
(2) GeoShack F034094A13 Telescoping Rectangular Leveling Rods
(2) GeoShack F034094A13 Telescoping Rectangular Leveling Rods
(2) GeoShack F034094A13 Telescoping Rectangular Leveling Rods
(3) Kraft CC952 36
(2) Kraft CC952 36
Large Lot of Flow Racking Inserts and Rollers (12 Pallets)
John Deere 310C Backhoe Loader
Kraft CC952 36