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Tools Plus, Inc.
Venue address
153 Meadow St
Waterbury, CT
United States
Tools Plus, Inc.

2-Day Online Auction of Equipment & Tool Inventory - Complete Closure of Retail Store & Distribution Center

Auction dates
Starts: May 06, 2024 08:00 AM ET
Ends from: May 09, 2024 09:00 AM ET
Viewing dates
By appointment only
May 06, 2024 08:00 AM - 03:00 PM ET
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We found 634 items matching your search
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We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
Bosch RH540M-RT BoschHammer Rotary Hammer
Bosch RH540M-RT BoschHammer Rotary Hammer
Bosch RH540M-RT BoschHammer Rotary Hammer
Metabo HPT DH36DMA Cordless Rotary Hammer
Metabo HPT DH36DMA Cordless Rotary Hammer
Metabo HPT DH36DMA Cordless Rotary Hammer
Metabo HPT DH36DMA Cordless Rotary Hammer
Metabo HPT DH36DMA Cordless Rotary Hammer
Metabo HPT DH36DMA Cordless Rotary Hammer
Metabo HPT DH36DMA Cordless Rotary Hammer
GENERAC GP17500E Gas Powered Generator
GENERAC Power Rush GP15500EFI Gas Powered Generator
GENERAC GB1000 Portable Power Station
GENERAC GB1000 Portable Power Station
GENERAC GB2000 Portable Power Station
GENERAC GS100 - 100W Solar Panel Accessory, Foldable
GENERAC GS100 - 100W Solar Panel Accessory, Foldable
GENERAC GS100 - 100W Solar Panel Accessory, Foldable
GENERAC GS100 - 100W Solar Panel Accessory, Foldable
GENERAC GS100 - 100W Solar Panel Accessory, Foldable
GENERAC GS100 - 100W Solar Panel Accessory, Foldable
GENERAC GS100 - 100W Solar Panel Accessory, Foldable
GENERAC GS100 - 100W Solar Panel Accessory, Foldable
GENERAC GS100 - 100W Solar Panel Accessory, Foldable
GENERAC GS100 - 100W Solar Panel Accessory, Foldable
(2) GENERAC G0071031 Cold Weather Kits
(2) GENERAC G0071031 Cold Weather Kits
(3) GENERAC G0071031 Cold Weather Kits
(6) Mobile Link 4G LTE Cellular Remote Monitoring Devices
(6) Mobile Link 4G LTE Cellular Remote Monitoring Devices
(6) Mobile Link 4G LTE Cellular Remote Monitoring Devices
(6) Mobile Link 4G LTE Cellular Remote Monitoring Devices
Assorted Wire Racks
(6) Rolatape 82-10080B 100FT Steel Tape Measures
(6) Rolatape 82-10080B 100FT Steel Tape Measures
(6) Rolatape 82-10080B 100FT Steel Tape Measures
(6) Rolatape 82-10080B 100FT Steel Tape Measures
(6) Rolatape 82-10080B 100FT Steel Tape Measures
(7) Rolatape 82-10080B 100FT Steel Tape Measures
Assorted Makita Tool Hooks/Dust Bags/Vacuum Bags