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Tools Plus, Inc.
Venue address
153 Meadow St
Waterbury, CT
United States
Tools Plus, Inc.

2-Day Online Auction of Equipment & Tool Inventory - Complete Closure of Retail Store & Distribution Center

Auction dates
Starts: May 06, 2024 08:00 AM ET
Ends from: May 09, 2024 09:00 AM ET
Viewing dates
By appointment only
May 06, 2024 08:00 AM - 03:00 PM ET
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We found 420 items matching your search
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SKILSAW SPT 62 MTC-22 Dry Cut Saw
SKILSAW SPT 62 MTC-22 Dry Cut Saw
Bosch 12V Max GKF12V-25N Cordless Palm Edge Router
Bosch 12V Max GKF12V-25N Cordless Palm Edge Router
Makita 235mm (9-1/4
Makita 235mm (9-1/4
Makita 18V X2 LXT Lithium-Ion (36V) 7-1/4
Makita AT638A 18 Gauge, 1/4
Makita AT638A 18 Gauge, 1/4
Makita AT638A 18 Gauge, 1/4
Makita AT638A 18 Gauge, 1/4
Makita AT638A 18 Gauge, 1/4
Makita RT0701CX3 Trimmer w/ Case
Makita 5477NB 7-1/4
Makita 5477NB 7-1/4
SKILSAW SPTH77 M-12 Cordless Worm Drive 7-1/4
SKILSAW SPTH77 M-12 Cordless Worm Drive 7-1/4
SKILSAW SPTH77 M-12 Cordless Worm Drive 7-1/4
SKILSAW SPTH77 M-12 Cordless Worm Drive 7-1/4
SKILSAW SPTH77 M-12 Cordless Worm Drive 7-1/4
SKILSAW SPTH77 M-12 Cordless Worm Drive 7-1/4
SKILSAW SPTH77 M-12 Cordless Worm Drive 7-1/4
SKILSAW SPTH77 M-12 Cordless Worm Drive 7-1/4
SKILSAW SPTH77 M-12 Cordless Worm Drive 7-1/4
SKILSAW SPTH77 M-12 Cordless Worm Drive 7-1/4
SKILSAW SPTH77 M-12 Cordless Worm Drive 7-1/4
SKILSAW SPTH77 M-12 Cordless Worm Drive 7-1/4
Metabo KM12VCM Router
Makita 50692 9mm (3/8
Makita 50692 9mm (3/8
Makita 9031 30mm (1-3/16
Makita 50692 9mm (3/8
Makita 5057KB 185mm (7-1/4
Makita AF601 16 Gauge, 2-1/2
Makita AN924 21 Degree Full Round Head 3-1/2
Metabo RBE 15-180 Tube Belt Sander Set
Metabo RBE 15-180 Tube Belt Sander Set
Metabo RBE 15-180 Tube Belt Sander Set
Metabo RBE 15-180 Tube Belt Sander Set
Bostitch F28WW Wire Weld Framing Nailer
Bostitch F28WW Wire Weld Framing Nailer
Box Lot of Astro 3037PAR Pulley Assemblies
Bostitch F21PL2 Plastic Collated Framing Nailer
Bostitch F21PL2 Plastic Collated Framing Nailer
Bostitch N66C-1 Siding & Fencing Nailer
Bostitch N66C-1 Siding & Fencing Nailer
Bostitch N66C-1 Siding & Fencing Nailer
Bostitch N66C Siding & Fencing Nailer
(3) Bostitch SB-CAPS 1
(3) Bostitch SB-CAPS 1
Bosch DDB181 Cordless Drill Driver
Bosch GSB18V-490 Cordless Drill Driver
Bosch GSB18V-490 Cordless Drill Driver