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Venue address
1530 Antioch Pike
Antioch, TN
United States

State-of-the-Art Invisible Teeth Aligner Mfr Featuring HP 3-D Printers, Flexlink Production Lines, 3D Scanners, R&D Lab, Inspection, Toolroom

Auction dates
Starts: May 11, 2024 09:00 AM CT
Ends from: May 14, 2024 09:00 AM CT
Viewing dates
By appointment only
May 13, 2024 09:00 AM - 04:00 PM CT
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We found 241 items matching your search
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Formlabs Form 3, 3D Printer
Formlabs Form 3 3D Printer
EnvisionOne cDLM Mechanical, Desktop 3D Printer
SprintRay Pro 3D Printer Model SRP1902A
(5) SprintRay Pro 3D Printer Print Platforms
SprintRay Pro 3D Printer Model SRP1902A
(4) SprintRay Pro 3D Printer Print Platforms
Uniz Technology 3D Printer Slash 700
Brady-Jet Color Label Printer J4000
(4) 3D Systems Inc. Projet 660 Pro Color 3D Printers
(3) 3D Systems Inc. Projet 660 Pro Color 3D Printers
(3) 3D Systems Inc. Projet 660 Pro Color 3D Printers
(4) 60 Inch Sharp Commercial Monitors, Pn-UH601
(7) LG Brand Flatscreen TV’s
Smile Direct Displays & Samsung TV
(2) LG Brand Flatscreen TV’s
(3) LG Flatscreen TV’s & (2) Computer Stations
Sharp Professional LCD 60 inch TV’s
ETEC 3D Printer, Envision TEC Perfactory P4K 90, (2020)
ETEC 3D Printer, Envision TEC Perfactory P4K 90, (2020)
ETEC 3D Printer, Envision TEC Perfactory P4K 90, (2020)
LG Flatscreen TV, 85 inch, with Remote & Wall Mount
Vertiv Liebert eXM 0050MPS01 50-kVA UPS
(2) SKB Cases, i-series
(2) SKB Cases, i-series
(2) SKB Cases, i-series
(2) SKB Cases, i-series
(2) SKB Cases, i-series
(2) SKB Cases, i-series
SKB Case & Contents
SKB Case & Contents
SKB Case & Contents
SKB Case & Contents
SKB Case & Contents
(52) Logitech Keyboards
(36) Lenovo USB-C Adapters, New In Box
(34) Lenovo USB-C Adapters, New In Box
(7) Cisco MX68CW Router, Networking Meraki by Cisco
(7) Cisco MX68CW Router, Networking Meraki by Cisco
(7) Cisco MX68CW Router, Networking Meraki by Cisco
(35) MERAKI MX65 Routers, Cisco
(34) Meraki MR33 Routers, Cisco
(78) Meraki MR33 Routers, Cisco
(2) HP Printers
Lot 426
Misc. Computers / Cords/ Monitors
(3) HP Laser Jet Enterprise M607 Laser Printers
Datamax-O’Neil H-Class (Model H-4310)
(3) Dell Latitude 7490 laptops
(3) Dell Latitude 7490 laptops
(3) Dell Latitude 7480 laptops
(4) Misc. Laptops, Not Tested, Laptops Only
(7) Label Makers / Printers