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Venue address
1530 Antioch Pike
Antioch, TN
United States

State-of-the-Art Invisible Teeth Aligner Mfr Featuring HP 3-D Printers, Flexlink Production Lines, 3D Scanners, R&D Lab, Inspection, Toolroom

Auction dates
Starts: May 11, 2024 09:00 AM CT
Ends from: May 14, 2024 09:00 AM CT
Viewing dates
By appointment only
May 13, 2024 09:00 AM - 04:00 PM CT
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We found 284 items matching your search
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Eclipse Automation Dental Arch Sorting Machine
Jet Industrial Grinder Model IBGM-8
Keyence Laser Microscope Model VK-X1050
Glidewell Restorative CT Scanner (2021)
Darwin Chambers Stability Chamber
Darwin Chambers Environment Chamber, Model KB09-DD
VITA Easyshade V, Spitalgasse3, D-79713, ( B 58285)
(5) ERG International Rolling Tables
(3) ERG International Tables with Wheels
ADAM Lab Equipment, Nimbus NBL 124e
VWR Vacuum Oven Model 6291
(3) FormLabs Form Wash
Thermo Scientific Precision GP 10 Model TSGP10
CureM UV Curing Unit Model CureM U102H
(2) Curing Units
Fumex Air Filtration Systems Model FA5-2
PaceSetter AutoBag PS 125 OneStep Bagger
PolyScienceChiller Model 6506T – New In Box
JR Automation Thermoformer System With Pneumatic Press
Fumex Air Filtration Systems Model FA2SSD
Fumex Air Filtration Systems Model FA2SSD
Fumex Air Filtration Systems Model FA2SSD
Fumex Air Filtration Systems Model FA2SSD
Fumex Air Filtration Systems GS2-200
PaceSetter AutoBag PS 125 OneStep Bagger
PaceSetter AutoBag PS 125 OneStep Bagger
PaceSetter AutoBag PS 125 OneStep Bagger
Pullman-Holt Air Scrubber / Filter Model A1200
FOBA Maker Laser (2018)
Aerotech ALAR150 Large Aperture Rotary Stage
Aerotech ALAR150 Large Aperture Rotary Stage
(5) Aerotech STAGES
Keyence MD-F3200C, 3-Axis Laser Marker (2019)
Keyence MD-F3200C, 3-Axis Laser Marker (2019)
Keyence MD-F3200C, 3-Axis Laser Marker (2019)
Autobag Pacesetter PS-125, One Step Bagger
Autobag Pacesetter PS-125, One Step Bagger
Autobag Pacesetter PS-125, One Step Bagger
Autobag Pacesetter PS-125, One Step Bagger
Autobag Pacesetter PS-125, One Step Bagger
Autobag Pacesetter PS-125, One Step Bagger
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Autobag Pacesetter PS-125, One Step Bagger
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(18) Microlab Digital Buffer / Grinders
JR Automation Thermoformer System With Pneumatic Press
JR Automation Thermoformer System With Pneumatic Press
JR Automation Thermoformer System With Pneumatic Press
(4) IMH Best Flex 200 Expandable Skatewheel Conveyors
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(2) Garrett MZ-6100 Walkthrough Metal Detector
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Flexlink Gen2 Multi-Layer Belt Conveyor System
(3) Autobag Pacesetter PS-125, One Step Bagger