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TC Transcontinental Packaging
Venue address
501 Williams St
Tomah, WI
United States
TC Transcontinental Packaging

Late-Model Flexible Packaging Equipment 8-Color CI Flexo Printing Presses, Bag-making and Zipper Pouch Lines, Laminators, Catalytic Oxidizers

Auction dates
Starts: May 14, 2024 09:00 AM CT
Ends from: May 16, 2024 10:02 AM CT
Viewing dates
By appointment only
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There are 79 lots within this auction
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We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
Lot of (2) Steel Runway I-Beams
Lot of (5) Assorted Steel Runway I-Beams
Caldwell Model Krane-King 1-Ton Vertical Jib Crane
1-Ton Traveling Bridge Crane
Southworth Scissor Lift Table
Southworth Scissor Lift Table
Southworth Scissor Lift Table
Southworth Scissor Lift Table
Southworth Scissor Lift Table
Southworth Scissor Lift Table
Caldwell Model 17-2-6 Spreader Bar
Uesco Industries Double Girder Motorized Hoist trolley
Abell-Howe 1/2-Ton Beam Mountable Jib
Abell-Howe 1/2-Ton Beam Mountable Jib
Contrx Industries 1/2-Ton Beam Mountable Jib
Dayton Model 3YB74 1/2-Ton Electric Chain Hoist
Dayton 1/2-Ton Electric Chain Hoist
Dayton 1/2-Ton Electric Chain Hoist
CM Lodestar Model H 1-Ton Electric Chain Hoist
Budgit Model 115846-7 1-Ton Electric Chain Hoist
Budgit Model 115846-7 1-Ton Electric Chain Hoist
Budgit Model 115846-7 1-Ton Electric Chain Hoist
Dayton Model 3YB86 1-Ton Electric Chain Hoist
CM Lodestar Model EL 1-Ton Electric Chain Hoist
Saturn Motorized trolley
Saturn Motorized trolley
Saturn Motorized trolley
Saturn Motorized trolley
Spreader Bar
Lot 33
Lot Assorted Roll Lifting Bars
Lot Assorted Roll Lifting Bars
Lot (approx. 128) Assorted Spare Press Cylinders
Lot (approx. 56) Assorted Spare Press Cylinders
Lot (approx. 104) Assorted Spare Press Cylinders
Lot (approx. 166) Assorted Spare Press Cylinders
Lot (approx. 56) Assorted Spare Press Cylinders
Lot (approx. 32) Assorted Spare Press Cylinders
Lot (approx. 45) Assorted Coating Rollers
Lot Assorted Composite Press Rollers
Sterling Model M2B2010-C Temperature Controller
Sterlco Model M2B2010-C Temperature Controller
Sterling Model M2B2010-C Temperature Controller
Precision Model 51221126 Electric Lab Oven
Lot (4) Sections of Transnorm Power Belt Conveyor
Global Blue Print Files