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CTI Materials
Venue address
3992 Rte 121 E#3
Grafton, VT
United States
CTI Materials

Nano Technology & Nanotube Lab Web Film & Coating Pilot Line: Solar & Battery application Slot Dies | Analytical Instruments | Kettles | Plant Support

Auction dates
Starts: May 20, 2024 08:00 AM ET
Ends from: May 22, 2024 10:00 AM ET
Viewing dates
By appointment only
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There are 439 lots within this auction
Primary Category
Item Type
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We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
Assorted corporate art from Konarka
(4) Maroon chairs
GBC shredmaster 955 crosscut shredder
Sony Color Video Monitor model SSM-14N5U
Small metro rack 24
Assorted white boards
(3) 36
Hon 4-drawer horizontal filing cabinet
Zebra XiIII plus label printer
(3) Boxes of Millipore sterilized sampling tubes
(2) Mitutoyo calipers
Lot of assorted flat panel monitors
Xerox large format double sided printer
Best Citadel Power Line Conditioner
APC back UPS 250
(2) Curved tables
Capra Optical Inspection light
Box of Corning & Siecor GIF collimator fiber optic
Century Fiber Optics fiber optic connector board
Inspection lamp, Luxo magnifier
(2) Millipore 20L pressure tanks
Millipore 2L pressure vessel
Millipore 5L 4-port w/ pressure gauge
Millipore 10L 4-port w/ pressure gauge
Metal base lab table w/ laminate top
Refrigerator w/ top freezer
Paradyne acculink model# 3160-A2-210 GB
Lot of (3) com super stack network model #3C16980
Maroon woodgrain desk
20-Bin holder
Lot 35
(5) Ergo chairs w/ netting
(5) Miscellaneous office chairs
Chiu Technical Corp Lumiuna inspection light
Rototrim Professional M24, rotary cutting tool
Alpine hot and cold water cooler
Custom made N2 purge cabinet
Federal Pacific Transformer
(2) D4-A Model 4074 Dryer filter regulator
Electronic component rack w/ 4-shelves
ENPAC 4-drum spill container
Wesco Mod DM100, ergonomic drum handler
4-Shelf wire rack
VWR Scientific Incubator 120V Mod # 1545
Rolling steel cart
Fisher Scientific metal 3-shelf unit
(3) wire racks/cages on wheels
(2) Pre-Tech fine jet generator
J Kemp Scientific dual Temp Controller