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Osram Opto Semiconductors
Venue address
651 River Oaks Parkway
San Jose, CA
United States
Osram Opto Semiconductors

Semiconductor Sensor Mfg. & Die Bonding Facility Datacon | ASM | Yield | Micro-Tec | Instrument Systems

Auction dates
Starts: Jun 17, 2024 09:00 AM PT
Ends from: Jun 20, 2024 10:00 AM PT
Viewing dates
By appointment only
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We found 112 items matching your search
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We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
Sartorius Model: AY123 Digital Scale
Hyvac Vacuum Tester w/ Spare Glass Cover
EFD Model: 325 Ultra TT Benchtop Dispenser
Howard Electronics Exhaust Fan
HyVac 97000-120 Vacuum Pump
Fischer LAV-3 High Vacuum Pump
Gast Model: DAA-V701-EB Vacuum Pump
(2) 6' Long Industrial Workbenches w/ ESD Mats
Industrial Worktable; 4' Long w/ ESD Mat
Luxo Inspection Lamp
West Bond Model: 7372E Epoxy & Eutectic Die Bonder
6' Long Industrial Workbenches w/ ESD Mats
ASM Dispensing System; Model: DS89B
AccuLab Digital Scale; Model: ALC-110.4
Datacon 2200 EVO Die Attach Dispensing Lens System
Sentry Air Systems Exhaust Fan; Model: SS-200-WD
(2) Oki Precision Dispensing Systems; Model: DX-300
(2) Oki Precision Dispensing Systems; Model: DX-350
(2) 6' Long Industrial Workbenches w/ ESD Mats
Assorted Parts Bins
Section of Pallet Racking
Industrial Worktable, Workbench
(2) Industrial Workbenches
Warner 8' Ladder, Step Stool
Sikama Falcon 5C Conduction/Convection Oven
6' Long Industrial Workbench
Keithley DC Power Supply
(3) Industrial Workbenches; (2) w/ Overhead Shelves; 6' Long
Industrial Cabinet and contents
Uline Poly Dolly; Model: H-1844
Eagle Flammable Storage Cabinet; Model: 1905
AccuLab Digital Scale; Model: VIC-123
Sentry Air Systems Fume Hood w/ Exhaust Fan
(2) Global Industrial Worktables
Uline Push Cart on Casters; No Contents
Loctite Digital Syringe Dispenser; Model: 98666
Weller WES51 and Fume Fan
(2) SVS Workbenches; w/ Overhead Shelf
Hon Industrial Storage Cabinet w/ Contents
Alcatel Leroy Somer Vacuum Pump; Model: CF29PR 60/4
(2) Industrial Workbenches
(2) Industrial Worktables w/ ESD Mats
Hyvac Vacuum Tester w/ Spare Glass Cover
Aerofeed 3 Door Parts Dry Storage Box
SVS Industrial Worktable; 6' Long
NSF Wire Rack on Locking Casters; Includes Contents
NSF Wire Rack on Locking Casters; Includes Contents
Hon Industrial Storage Cabinet w/ Contents
SVS Industrial Worktable; 6' Long w/ Overhead Shelf
Variac Transformer; Model: 48-1205
(3) Protek DC Power Supplies; Model: 3006B
(4) Protek DC Power Supplies; Model: 3006B
(4) Protek DC Power Supplies; Model: 3006B
Industrial Storage Cabinet w/ Contents
Instrument Systems Model: LEDGON-100