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Osram Opto Semiconductors
Venue address
651 River Oaks Parkway
San Jose, CA
United States
Osram Opto Semiconductors

Semiconductor Sensor Mfg. & Die Bonding Facility Datacon | ASM | Yield | Micro-Tec | Instrument Systems

Auction dates
Starts: Jun 17, 2024 09:00 AM PT
Ends from: Jun 20, 2024 10:00 AM PT
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By appointment only
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We found 81 items matching your search
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We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
Thinky Planetary Vacuum Mixer; Model: ARV-310
VWR 1400E Bake Oven
Syron Thermoline Hot Plate; Model: HP-A1915B
Terra Universal Dry Box
LR Environmental CascadeTek Bake Oven
Olympus SZ40ESD Stereozoom Microscope
Thermo Scientific Cimarec Hot Plate
Thermo Scientific Cimarec Hot Plate
(4) BioFit ESD Lab Chairs on Casters
LR Environmental CascadeTek Bake Oven
So-Low Bake Oven OP325-4A
Quincy Labs Model: 20GC Bake Oven
Fischer Scientific Model: 516G Bake Oven
Quincy Labs Model: 20GC Bake Oven
So-Low Bake Oven Model: 750F
Terra Universal Dry Box Storage
Manual Press Tester; Model: 1910-00030-02
Amscope Stereozoom Microscope w/ Amscope Digital Camera
S&J Ultrasonic Cleaner; Model: D104A
LR Environmental CMTL Bake Oven
Olympus SZ30 Stereozoom Microscope
DLAB Model: SK-R1807-E Rocking Shaker
Lab Fish Orbital Shaker; Model: OS-20Pro
Olympus SZ40ESD Stereozoom Microscope
Amscope Stereozoom Microscope
Thermo Scientific Cimarec Hot Plate
SAS Fume Hood
Lot 96
Leica S6D Stereozoom Microscope
Olympus SZ51 Stereozoom Microscope
3300-00034 Test Fixture
Everfine USR-200 UV Spectral Irradiance Meter
Barnstead Thermolyne Cimarec Hot Plate
Thermo Scientific Cimarec Hot Plate
Thermo Scientific Cimarec Hot Plate
Leica S6E Stereozoom Microscope
BLE Daughter Card Test Fixture; OP-2021-0374
Fischer Scientific Isotemp Hot Plate
Thermolyne Model: SP18425 Hot Plate
Branson 3800 Ultrasonic Bath; Model: CPX3800H
Branson 3800 Ultrasonic Bath; Model: CPX3800H
SAS Fume Hood
Lot 124
(2) Keysight N2890A Probes
So-Lo Curing Oven; Model: OF275-5A
Sanyo Paste Refrigerator
So-Lo Ultra Low Freezer; Model: CH45-5
Tektronix 577 Curve Tracer
Lichtvision Engineering ProbitLab2 Tester
Secador Desiccator Horizontal Dry Box
Analysis Tech Still Air Chamber; Model: EVN-12
Secador Desiccator Horizontal Dry Box
Tekpower TP3165 High Resolution Counter
Keithley 2420 SourceMeter
Keithley 2425 100 W SourceMeter
(50+) WIP Trays; Each tray 11
Extech HD400 Light Meter I Case
United Parts Table
Newport Model: 764H-110