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High-Precision Mold Maker
Venue address
95 Industrial Park Rd
Mt Vernon, KY
United States
High-Precision Mold Maker

Closure of High-Precision Mold Making Facility Over 500 Lots – Equipment as New as 2022! Machining Center | Grinding | CNC Lathes | EDMs Bridge Cranes

Auction dates
Starts: May 27, 2024 09:00 AM ET
Ends from: Jun 04, 2024 11:00 AM ET
Viewing dates
By appointment only
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There are 537 lots within this auction
Primary Category
Item Type
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We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
Rockwell Model HR-150A Hardness Tester
Proceq P/N 352 10 001 Digital Portable Hardness Tester
Mitutoyo Model 329-350-30 Digital Depth Gauge
Mitutoyo 0-1
SPI 0-1
Mitutoyo Micrometer Set Size Range 7-8
Mitutoyo 11-12
Starrett Depth Gauge
Scherr Tumico 0-1
Assorted Micrometers
LS Starrett Model 199 Master Precision Level
VIS 12
(4) Dial Bore Gauges
(4) Dial Bore Gauges
(4) Dial Bore Gauges
Mitutoyo Model 526-123 Dial Bore Gauge
(2) Mitutoyo Dial Bore Gauges
(3) Mitutoyo Dial Bore Gauges w/ Mueller Dial Indicators
Starrett Model 84-111-6 Dial Bore Gauge
Starrett Model 84-111-7 Dial Bore Gauge
Standard Gauge Dial Bore Gauge Setting Master Calibrator
Standard Gauge Dial Bore Gauge Setting Master Calibrator
(2) Groove Gauges, SPI Centering Indicator
(2) Federal Versatility In Dimensional Measurement Devices
Lot of Dial & Digital Indicators
Mitutoyo 13
Lot of Mueller Mold Space Gauges
Lot of Mueller Mold Space Gauges
Lot of Mueller Mold Space Gauges
(3) Heavy Duty Castered Carts
(2) 24 x 18 x 4 Granite Surface Plates
OGP Model QL14 14
Zeiss Model STEMI305 Stereo Microscope
Zeiss Model STEMI305 Stereo Microscope Head
Mahr Digimar 816 CL Digital Height Gauge
Mitutoyo Model 196-448 Coordinate Measuring Machine
Tennsco 2-Door Metal Cabinet w/ Contents Incl Snap Gauges
Standard Gauge Dial Swing Gauge
(2) 2-Door Metal Cabinets w/ Contents