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Venue address
550 Carnegie St
Manteca, CA
United States

Surplus to the Ongoing Needs of Hybrid Plastics Mfr. Late-Model Blow Molding & Thermoforming!

Auction dates
Starts: Jun 17, 2024 09:00 AM PT
Ends from: Jun 25, 2024 09:00 AM PT
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By appointment only
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We found 104 items matching your search
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Uline Scissor Lift Pallet Jack; Model: H-1785
Uline Scissor Lift Pallet Jack; 1,000 kg Capacity
Uline Scissor Lift Pallet Jack; 1,000 kg Capacity
Uline Scissor Lift Pallet Jack; 1,000 kg Capacity
Uline Scissor Lift Pallet Jack; 1,000 kg Capacity
Uline Scissor Lift Pallet Jack; 1,000 kg Capacity
KCS Compressed Air Holding Tank
5-Step Raised Platform/Mezzanine
Uline H-5439 Straddle Stacker;
40' Long Shipping Container
Hanshin Model: GRH3-30A Air Compressor
Jemco An SPX Brand Dryer
Champion Centurion II Air Compressor w/ Holding Tank
ABAC Model: Formula 22 Screw Compressor
Lot consisting of (2) Compressed Air Holding Tanks
LeRoi CL25CUB Air Compressor
Big Ass Fan; Wall Mounted
Big Ass Fan; Wall Mounted
Big Ass Fan; Wall Mounted
Big Ass Fan; Wall Mounted
Big Ass Fan; Wall Mounted
Big Ass Fan; Wall Mounted
Lot (2) Akro Mills Metal Bin Holders
Lot (2) Metal Storage Racks
Lot (7) Uline Metal Work Stations
Lot (3) Uline Metal Worktables; Dims: 30
Lot (2) Vevor Variable Speed Flat Belt Conveyors
Lot (2) Vevor Variable Speed Flat Belt Conveyors
Lot (2) Vevor Variable Speed Flat Belt Conveyors
Lot (2) Vevor Variable Speed Flat Belt Conveyors
Lot (2) Vevor Variable Speed Flat Belt Conveyors
Lot (2) Vevor Variable Speed Flat Belt Conveyors
Lot (2) Vevor Variable Speed Flat Belt Conveyors
Lot consisting of (43) Allen Bradley Servo Motors on Pallet
Titan 72
Lot (3) Section of Lockers; total of (30) Lockers
Lot (3) Section of Lockers; total of (27) Lockers
Lot (3) Industrial Step Ladders