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Venue address
104 TW Alexander Dr
Research Triangle Park, NC
United States

Closure of Agricultural Biotech & Microbial R&D Lab Featuring Analytical, Formulation, and Fermentation Lab Equipment

Auction dates
Starts: Jun 17, 2024 09:00 AM ET
Ends from: Jun 26, 2024 11:00 AM ET
Viewing dates
By appointment only
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We found 165 items matching your search
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We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
Beckman JS-5.0 swinging bucket centrifuge rotor
Beckman JLA-8.1000 fixed angle centrifuge rotor
Periflo Flocon 1003 peristaltic pump
Millipore WP6211560 vacuum pump
Fisher Scientific Maxima C Plus Vacuum Pump
Amtrol Therm-x-trol water heater expansion tank
Pall centramate filtration unit holder and 2-gauge fitting kit
2-shelf rolling utility cart
Anton Paar Ultrapyc 5000 pycnometer w/ accessories
Retsch PM100 Planetary Ball Mill
908 Devices Rebel Cell culture media analyzer
Buchi F-305 recirculating chiller
Thermo Scientific Matrix Well Mate Stacker
2-shelf rolling utility cart
SciMat Co benchtop chemical storage cabinet
2-shelf rolling utility cart
Fitz Mill Comminutor model 11A benchtop mill
Metro Max I Antimicrobial utility cart on casters
Hamilton Micro lab 600 Diluter/ Dispenser system
IKA RW16 Basic mixer w/ tool kit
Box of misc Stand components
Stainless Steel Benchtop Pan Granulator
Bio-Rad Gene Pulser II electroporation machine
Retsch AS300 sieve shaker w/ misc tooling
Koch Demofilter membrane test kit
Uline 2-shelf wire metro cart on casters
(6) Fisher Scientific lab jacks
Leica MZ 6 Microscope
Memmert UF 750 plus lab oven
Lot of misc sized Fisherbrand test Sieves
Ramona Optics multi-camera array microscope
2-shelf utility cart on casters
Lot of misc Lab freezer racks
Metro Max I Antimicrobial utility cart on casters, no contents
Jorestech impulse sealer w/ foot pedal model MFS-450BI
Byk-Gardner byko-drive auto applicator and accessories
Percival I36VL environmental chamber
Percival LED36L2 environmental chamber
Percival I36VL environmental chamber
Percival I36VL environmental chamber
Percival I36VL environmental chamber