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Venue address
104 TW Alexander Dr
Research Triangle Park, NC
United States

Closure of Agricultural Biotech & Microbial R&D Lab Featuring Analytical, Formulation, and Fermentation Lab Equipment

Auction dates
Starts: Jun 17, 2024 09:00 AM ET
Ends from: Jun 26, 2024 11:00 AM ET
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We found 165 items matching your search
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Getinge 633LS Vacuum Steam Sterilizer / Autoclave
Lancer 1300UP Laboratory glassware washer
35-Gal Mixing Tank with electric pump
Drum Pump
Lot 120c
Uline Drum Pump H-1235
5-Gal Mixing Tank with electric pump
Percival I-66NLX environmental chamber
Fitotron SGC120-SS environmental chamber
Panasonic Pharmaceutical Refrigerator MPR-1411R-PA
Elgi Airmate EGRD 010 air dryer
Retsch AS200 sieve shaker, 2019
Uline T2-shelf utility cart on casters
Percival I36NL environmental chamber
PHCBI MPR-722 pharmaceutical refrigerator
Baker SterilGard II SG600 safety cabinet
Baker SterilGard II SG600 safety cabinet
Percival I36NL environmental chamber
Memmert IPP110 laboratory oven
Memmert IPP110 laboratory oven
Panasonic Pharmaceutical Refrigerator MPR-1411R-PA
(2) Nuaire model NU-L240-436 Laminar Flow Hoods, 2023
Uline Impulse Sealer model 500, H-1029
Uline Impulse Sealer model 500, H-1029
Mettler Toledo Rainin Smartstand w/ accessories
Neu-Tec Novasina Labswift-aw portable water activity meter
Neu-Tec Novasina Labswift-aw portable water activity meter
Olympus CH30RF100 Microscope
VWR Analog Vortex Mixer
VWR Analog Vortex Mixer Mini
Benchmark Orbi-Shaker XL rocking platform shaker
AmScope Microscope
New Brunswick Scientific innova 2100 open air platform shaker
New Brunswick Flask Clamps misc sizes
(2) Vevor vibrating sieve shakers
Lot of Misc Pipettes, probe, processor, infrared thermometer
Rubbermaid Two shelf utility cart on casters 16
2-shelf utility cart on casters
2-shelf wire cart on casters
UVP HL-2000 Hybrilinker hybridization incubator
VWR Scientific Heatblock III
VWR Microplate shaker Hi-Speed