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Unistar Corporation
Venue address
40 Whittier Road
Tamworth, NH
United States
Unistar Corporation

Precision CNC Turning and Machining Equipment – Metrology – Support | Owner Retiring – Complete Facility Closure

Auction dates
Starts: Jul 22, 2024 08:00 AM ET
Ends from: Jul 25, 2024 10:00 AM ET
Viewing dates
By appointment only
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We found 142 items matching your search
Primary Category
Item Type
Sorted by
We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
Cuttermaster Model HDT-610 Cutter Grinder
Freeport Model SGS-618 Surface Grinder
Mori Seiki Model SL200 CNC Lathe
Mori Seiki Model CL150 Lathe
LNS Quickload Magazine Style Barfeeder
Kurt 6
Kurt 6
Kurt 6
Kurt 6
Kurt 6
Kurt 6
Kurt 6
Vise Stops
Lot 79
Vise Swivel Base
Approx. 12
Lot of Collet Sleeves
Lot of 3J Collets
Lot of 5C Collet Chucks
Lot of 5C Collets
Lot of 5C Collets
Phase 2 Collet Indexer
Collet Indexers & Collet Blocks
(3) Capmatic Capping Heads Model #'s RX50, NSM6, 30X
(5) Keyless Chucks
(2) Boring Heads
Lot of Cutter Folders & Cutter Blades
(12) BT40 Toolholders
(12) BT40 Toolholders
(12) BT40 Toolholders
(12) BT40 Toolholders
(12) BT40 Toolholders
(14) BT40 Toolholders
Lot of Toolholder Pole Studs
(7) Carbide Inert Facing Mills
Lot of Flex Collets
Lot of Flex Collets
Caso Royco Corp. 1
Lot of Carbide & High Speed Steel Tools
Gibraltar 6
Lot of Carbide Insert Grooving Tools
Lot of Carbide Insert Grooving Tools
Lot of Carbide Insert Grooving Tools
Lot of Carbide Insert Boring Bars
(3) Lathe Grooving Tools
Lot of Lathe Knurling Tools
(5) Live Centers
(2) Centers
Lot 114
Lot of Carbide Insert Spay Drills, Carbide Insert Twist Drills
Lot of Lathe Sleeves
Lot of Carbide Inserts
Durham Manufacturing 6-Gripper 3/16
Aloris Toolpost Size CA w/ (6) Toolholders
(2) Mori Seiki Right Angle Live Toolholders
Jet 10