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Unistar Corporation
Venue address
40 Whittier Road
Tamworth, NH
United States
Unistar Corporation

Precision CNC Turning and Machining Equipment – Metrology – Support | Owner Retiring – Complete Facility Closure

Auction dates
Starts: Jul 22, 2024 08:00 AM ET
Ends from: Jul 25, 2024 10:00 AM ET
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We found 142 items matching your search
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We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
(3) Precision Machinist Vises
Lot of R8 Toolholders
Contents of Shelf Incl Allen Wrenches & Fixtures
(3) Huot Drill Bit Storage Cabinets w/ Assoc. Drills
Lot of Large Cap. Drills, (2) Drill Storage Boxes
Lot of C-Clamps, Twist Clamps, Visegrip Welding Clamps
Manual Lassie Tapper
(2) Small Parts Bins w/ Contents
CME Benchtop Pedestal Drill Press
(2) 123 Blocks, 5-3/4 x 3-1/2
Lot of Dial Indicators w/ Dial Indicator Stand
Cobalt Pneumatic Right Angle Driver, Dremel Tool, Etching Tool
Darex Model V290 Drill Bit Sharpener
SPI 5C Collet Indexer
Andox Model MP350 Grinding Wheel Dresser
Graf Vibratory Tumbler w/ Assoc. Vibratory Tumbler Stones
Acetylene Torch Cart w/ Assoc. Regulators & Torch Head