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Stupp Corporation
Venue address
12555 Ronaldson Rd
Baton Rouge, LA
United States
Stupp Corporation

Complete Campus Closure of Steel Pipe Manufacturer Final Phase – Facility Support Equipment & Rolling Stock

Auction dates
Starts: Sep 23, 2024 09:00 AM CT
Ends from: Sep 26, 2024 10:00 AM CT
Viewing dates
By appointment only
Auction currency
Accepted cards
There are 830 lots within this auction
Primary Category
Item Type
Sorted by
We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
Dump Hopper
Lot 789
Dump Hopper
Lot 790
JoBox w/ Conduit Bending Equipment
Diaphragm Pump & Hose
Contents of Bx Porta Powers
DE Bench Grinder
10-Ton Hopper
Lot 795
Littlegreen Hopper
(2) Zebra Model ZT411 label printers, Box of labels
(3) Zebra Model ZT10 label printers
Small Hopper 4000-Lb
Yellow Lift/Hoist Hopper
Wright Self-Dumping Hopper
Roura Hopper 1.5 Cu. Yard, 8000-Lb
Little Green Hopper
Roura Hopper 1.5 Cu. Yard, 8000-Lb
Roura Hopper 1.5 Cu. Yard, 8000-Lb
Roura Hopper 1.5 Cu. Yard, 8000-Lb
Roura Hopper 1.5 Cu. Yard, 8000-Lb
Roura Hopper 1.5 Cu. Yard, 8000-Lb
Small 10-ton Hoist Hopper
Large Open Front 10-ton Hoist Hopper
Wright Hopper 1.5 cu yard
Roura Hopper 1.5 Cu. Yard
Forklift Jib
Lot 816
Eagle Model 1923 24-gallon flammable cabinet
(4) Small Flammable Cabinets
Gen Group model SML5060B2S 50-Ton C-Hook Crane Lift
HP Laserjet P2035 Printer; Marsh Stencil Express Model I/S60
Starrett Caliper
Honeywell Chargers, Parts & Handheld scanners
(3) Zebra Handheld QLn420 label printers
(3) Base Stations, Radios, Chargers, Tripod
Newer RCA Radios, Chargers, Base Stations & Accessories
Flammable Cabinet
(3) Carts
Lot 827
Ircon Ultimax infrared thermometer
Assorted Carbide Bits & Holders
Loader Bucket
Lot 831
(2) Dump Hoppers
Dump Hopper
Lot 833
Wright self dumping hopper
Dump Hopper
Lot 835
Modulift 25T Spreader Bar
Weldcoa Forklift metal pallet IPSL 3R-BKNS
Forklift metal pallet
Dump Hopper
Lot 839
Roura Dump Hopper
Mettler Toledo Shipping Scale
SAFTCART Bottle Cart