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Stupp Corporation
Venue address
12555 Ronaldson Rd
Baton Rouge, LA
United States
Stupp Corporation

Complete Campus Closure of Steel Pipe Manufacturer Final Phase – Facility Support Equipment & Rolling Stock

Auction dates
Starts: Sep 23, 2024 09:00 AM CT
Ends from: Sep 26, 2024 10:00 AM CT
Viewing dates
By appointment only
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There are 830 lots within this auction
Primary Category
Item Type
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We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
Hydraulic Pumps
TSI Laser Speed length measuring device model 924801
Misc. air cylinders
Misc. hydraulic Cylinders
Internal Spline Gear for pws edge miller planetary gear
Reliance Electric GV3000/SE Sensorless Enhanced AC Drive
IPE chesterton annealer Transformer
IPE chesterton annealer Transformer
INA Linear guide rails
INA Linear guide rails
Misc. Cylinders
Misc. Cylinders
Hammond C1F003LES single phase encapsulated transformer
INA Linear guide rails
INA Linear guide rails
Parker Cylone model 8.00CHB2ALU44AC18.00
(4) Aventics 6x10 air cylinders
Parker cylinders
Parker Cylinders
Manchester Fluid power air Cylinder
Parker Cylinders
Misc. Cylinders
Pallet of misc cylinders
Misc. Cylinders and cabling
GE Power Breaker, wheel brake
Aventics peeler cylinders
Misc. Cylinders
Dayton Grinder pump 2-HP motor & misc pumps
P&H 10 Ton Bridge Crane
Gorman Rupp t series centrifugal pump model T6A60S-B
Gould Pumps MTI
Veriflo 1326 Pump & Baldor 20-HP Motor
Veriflo 1326 Pump & Baldor 20-HP Motor
PWS conveyor roll stands and Hamilton wheel
Master Gearbox M9 4432 180CM28A
Master Gearbox M9 4432 180CM28A with Baldor 5-HP Motor
(2) Universal drive assembly
Couplings and swing bolts for drive assembly
Stoody #104 5/32
Stoody #102 1/8
Parker Hydraulic Cylinder
Friction Discs and Large gears
Crane Cable Pulleys
(2) Aventics Cylinders, misc electrical boxes (wurth, rittal)
Bronze bearing for SMS linear former
Covers for actuators
SEW-Eurodrive R167A gearbox
(2) Mars Blower HV242-1VG-BG and (3) air curtains
Light Fixture, Misc.
Rack and contents including misc cylinders and pistons
Rack and contents including misc cylinders
T&J Hydraulic Cylinder
Parker Hydraulic Cylinder
Pallet of Misc. Cylinders
Parker Cylinder model 12.00CHB2ALU34AC24.000
Schrader Bellows cylinder model PAM157721 15.000
Parker Cylinder model 8.00CHB2ALU44AC14.000
Custom rolls and plate, clamping plates
(2) Duff Norton actuators model DM10016-204