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Stupp Corporation
Venue address
12555 Ronaldson Rd
Baton Rouge, LA
United States
Stupp Corporation

Complete Campus Closure of Steel Pipe Manufacturer Final Phase – Facility Support Equipment & Rolling Stock

Auction dates
Starts: Sep 23, 2024 09:00 AM CT
Ends from: Sep 26, 2024 10:00 AM CT
Viewing dates
By appointment only
Auction currency
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There are 830 lots within this auction
Primary Category
Item Type
Sorted by
We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
Miller Syncrowave 350 LX w/ Coolmate 3 coolant system
SMS squeeze stand parts - scrap
SMS squeeze stand parts - scrap
SEW Eurodrive Gearbox Type K187AD8
Lot 192
(5) Fostoria Infrared Heater
(4) Fostoria Infrared Heater
(5) Fostoria Heaters
(5) Fostoria Heaters
(5) Fostoria Heaters
(5) Fostoria Heaters
(5) Fostoria Heaters
(3) Industrial shop vans
Lot 201
Lot 202
(9) Fostoria Heaters
(8) Fostoria Heaters
Goulds Pump MTI
Lot 205
Diagraph Stencil Cutting Machines
2-stage deming crane pump
Super E Motor
Lot 208
Gorman Rupp T3A60S-B Self Priming Centrifugal Pump
Wound Rotor Motor 20-HP
Brook Crompton 30-HP Motor type WP-DF180LR4-D
VEM Motor 5-HP Cat# VEM 3615T
Deltatherm RKV 3 2 Chiller
Lincoln Idealarc R3R-500 welder
Lincoln Idealarc DC-1500 power source
OlFlex 190 5G1.5 16/5C control cable 500 ft
Lincoln Idealarc R3R-500 welder
Hypertherm Powermax 1650 plasma cutter
Hypertherm Powermax 1650 plasma cutter
Hypertherm Max 200 power supply
Hypertherm Max 200 power supply
Lincoln Idealarc DC-1000 arc welder
Lincoln Idealarc R3R-500 welder
(51) Sections of Pallet Racking, no contents
Lincoln Idealarc R3R-500 welder
Cutler Hammer DSII Circuitbreaker
Misc. Wire
Lot 226
Misc. Wire
Lot 227
Misc. Wire
Lot 228
Misc transformer parts and misc items
Hypertherm Powermax 1250 plasma cutter
Lincoln Idealarc DC-400 arc welder
Hypertherm Powermax 105 w/ Misc. welding supplies
Lincoln Idealarc R3R-500 welder
Lincoln Idealarc DC-1000 arc welder
Miller 60 Series Wire feeder and misc welding accessories
Lincoln Idealarc R3R-500 welder
Lincoln Idealarc R3R-500 welder
Misc. Wire
Lot 238
Miller Coolmate 3 and marvel 25 bandsaw wheel
Hypertherm Powermax 85 and welding accessories
Oberdorfer pump, nvent control cabinet air conditioning unit
(2) Knight Corporation filter housing units
Miller 70 series Wire Feeder
Miller CP-302 CV DC welding power source