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Stupp Corporation
Venue address
12555 Ronaldson Rd
Baton Rouge, LA
United States
Stupp Corporation

Complete Campus Closure of Steel Pipe Manufacturer Final Phase – Facility Support Equipment & Rolling Stock

Auction dates
Starts: Sep 23, 2024 09:00 AM CT
Ends from: Sep 26, 2024 10:00 AM CT
Viewing dates
By appointment only
Auction currency
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We found 624 items matching your search
Primary Category
Item Type
Sorted by
We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
Cylinder block and Allen Bradley power flex
PH 10-Ton Crane Hoist Block & Hook
Rope cable
Lot 148
ABB Drive DCS800-EP2-0350-05-K4660L501
Dyna kick cover conveyor line
Lot 152
Misc. Schrader Bellows Cylinders
Duff Norton Jack
Large chains, renold chains, motor
Duff Norton linear actuator model UM9016/DM9016
Hydraulic Hoses
Lot 160
Renold 140 riveted chains
SMS Magnetic chip conveyor parts
Reliance Electric Flexpak 3000
(3) Bauer Motor/Gearbox 5.5kW
P&H hoist drum parts product handling 54-ton
Cable Cat Track
Lot 171
(3) Fans
Lot 172
(4) Fans
Lot 173
(4) Fans
Lot 174
Metal conveyor roller and hydraulic hose
Hy-Pro Vac-U Dry Hydraulic Unit Dehydrator
(4) Fans
Lot 177
(3) Fans
Lot 178
PSC Cleaning System model ES543K472A-460
(5) Fostoria Sun Mite Infrared Heaters
(5) Fostoria Sun Mite Infrared Heaters
(5) Fostoria Sun Mite Infrared Heaters
(5) Fostoria Sun Mite Infrared Heaters
(5) Fostoria Sun Mite Infrared Heaters
(5) Fostoria Sun Mite Infrared Heaters
SMS squeeze stand parts - scrap
SMS squeeze stand parts - scrap
SEW Eurodrive Gearbox Type K187AD8
(5) Fostoria Infrared Heater
(4) Fostoria Infrared Heater
(5) Fostoria Heaters
(5) Fostoria Heaters
(5) Fostoria Heaters
(5) Fostoria Heaters
(5) Fostoria Heaters
(3) Industrial shop vans
(9) Fostoria Heaters
(8) Fostoria Heaters
Goulds Pump MTI
Lot 205
2-stage deming crane pump
Super E Motor
Lot 208
Gorman Rupp T3A60S-B Self Priming Centrifugal Pump
Wound Rotor Motor 20-HP
Brook Crompton 30-HP Motor type WP-DF180LR4-D
VEM Motor 5-HP Cat# VEM 3615T
Deltatherm RKV 3 2 Chiller
OlFlex 190 5G1.5 16/5C control cable 500 ft
(51) Sections of Pallet Racking, no contents
Cutler Hammer DSII Circuitbreaker
Misc. Wire
Lot 226
Misc. Wire
Lot 227