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Stupp Corporation
Venue address
12555 Ronaldson Rd
Baton Rouge, LA
United States
Stupp Corporation

Complete Campus Closure of Steel Pipe Manufacturer Final Phase – Facility Support Equipment & Rolling Stock

Auction dates
Starts: Sep 23, 2024 09:00 AM CT
Ends from: Sep 26, 2024 10:00 AM CT
Viewing dates
By appointment only
Auction currency
Accepted cards
We found 624 items matching your search
Primary Category
Item Type
Sorted by
We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
Misc. Wire
Lot 228
Misc transformer parts and misc items
Misc. Wire
Lot 238
(2) Knight Corporation filter housing units
Misc. Hose
Lot 245
American Industrial model XR-1004-C4-F heat exchanger
Bearings, magnetic chip conveyor chains, butterfly valves
PWS Part
Lot 248
(22) Bearings for flattener/leveler, backup roller for leveler
Dayton centrifugal pumps and Allen Bradley panel
(4) Siemens MP 377 19
Misc. Items
Lot 253
Misc. Wire
Lot 254
Misc. Wire
Lot 255
Misc. Wire
Lot 256
Misc. Wire
Lot 257
Misc. Wire, Flex, Hose
Misc. Wire
Lot 259
Misc. Wire
Lot 259a
Misc. Wire
Lot 260
Misc. Wire
Lot 260a
Misc. Wire
Lot 261
Misc. Wire
Lot 262
Wire & Hose, Hydraulic
Misc. Wire
Lot 264
Contents of Shelving inc pumps, valves, rods, cylinders, etc
Contents of Shelving inc pumps, valves, rods, cylinders, etc
Contents of Shelving inc pumps, valves, rods, cylinders, etc
Contents of Shelving inc pumps, valves, rods, cylinders, etc
Contents of Shelving inc couplings, gauges, etc
Contents of Shelving inc pipe adaptors, etc
Contents of Shelving inc bearings, valves, etc
Contents of Shelving inc bearings, valves, etc
Contents of Shelving inc pumps, breakers, filters, etc
Contents of Shelf inc bearings, pumps, valves, etc
Contents of Shelving inc pumps, bushings, filters, couplings, etc
Contents on Floor inc capacitors, motors, etc
Gas Line Tubing
Lot 278
Baldor Reliance VEM3558T motor, 2-HP
(2) SEW Eurodrives
Baldor Reliance EM3771T motor, 10-HP
Misc items on pallet
Various Motors including Baldor/Others
Marathon Electric XRI model HVB324TTFS6026EYL
Bauer type EKE 025 A9 / SG4-34 Gearmotor/Baldor motor
Baldor Reliance 15-HP motor JMM3713T
Baldor Reliance 15-HP motor JMM3713T
Baldor Reliance 15-HP motor JMM3713T
AC Motoren GmbH Motor D-63110 Rodgou, type JM 250M
Misc Gearboxes
Lot 290
Bauer type BG40-11/DPE09XB4C-s/ESX gA9/AM gearmotor
Lot including AB Interter duty AC servo motor MPL 480V
Jackson 5102V2-13 isolation transformer
(2) Baldor reliance 2-HP motors
Jackson 5102V2-13 isolation transformer
Motors including (2) Baldor 10-HP, Jetair 460V
Blower motors
Lot 298
Albert SGT 300 / 32 screw jack