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Stupp Corporation
Venue address
12555 Ronaldson Rd
Baton Rouge, LA
United States
Stupp Corporation

Complete Campus Closure of Steel Pipe Manufacturer Final Phase – Facility Support Equipment & Rolling Stock

Auction dates
Starts: Sep 23, 2024 09:00 AM CT
Ends from: Sep 26, 2024 10:00 AM CT
Viewing dates
By appointment only
Auction currency
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We found 138 items matching your search
Primary Category
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We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
Conex & Contents including RYCO RY32CB
Large Lot of various sized rubber bands
(3) Carbon Fiber shaft Cuda Push Pull Sticks
Box of bits (see desc), boxes lenox saw bands
Lincoln Idealarc R3R-500 welder
Stoody 104 1/8
Stoody 102-S 1/8
Stoody 102-S 1/8
Stoody 102-S 5/32
Stoody 104 5/32 Wire
Lincoln Weld 1/8
Contents of Container Welding Rods
Large double end Grinder
Everett Industries Abrasive Cut-Off Saw model 16 DM
Custom Made Submerge Arc Welding Machine w/ Turn Table
DE Bench Grinder
Starrett Caliper
Assorted Carbide Bits & Holders