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Party City Holdings Inc - Thermoforming and Sheet Extrusion Lines
Venue address
261 Narragansett Park Dr
Rumford, RI
United States
Party City Holdings Inc - Thermoforming and Sheet Extrusion Lines

Surplus to the operations of Am-Source LLC a PCHI Subsidiary: (2) Co-Extrusion Sheet & Thermoforming Lines, Decorating, Support Equipment

Auction dates
Sep 05, 2024 10:00 AM ET
Viewing dates
By appointment only
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There are 385 lots within this auction
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Cumberland 56T 14
Lot of Blades/Knives for Cumberland 56T Granulator
Cumberland Model 584 20-HP Granulator
Lot of Blades/Knives for Cumberland 1456 Granulator
10-HP Regrind Blower, w/ Cyclone Separator, Screw Conveyor
(2) Regrind Dump-Off Receivers
10-HP Regrind Blower, w/ Cyclone Separator
Peabody TecTank Approx. 36' T x 12' Dia. Resin Storage Silo
Afine Computerized Touchscreen Silo Volume Indicator
Industrial Chilling Equipment (ICE) Pump Tank Model TTS-40D
Thermalcare Model PT1300 Pump Tank
Process Chilling Fiberglass Cooler Tower on Steel Structure
Cooling Technology Institute (CTI) Fiberglass Cooling Tower on Steel Structure
Temptek CF-W Series Portable Water-cooled Chiller, Estimated 15-Ton
Drake Refrigeration Model EST90S2-T4-Z Chiller, R22 Refrigerant
Texwrap Model T1322/2 2-Chamber Heat Shrink Tunnel
Dorner Series 5200 14
Plastic Process Model BT1600VB Electric Pneumatic Vibrating Gaylord Tipper
Plastic Process Model BT1600VB Electric Pneumatic Vibrating Gaylord Tipper
Plastic Process Model BT1600VB Electric Pneumatic Vibrating Gaylord Tipper
Plastic Process Model BT1600VB Electric Pneumatic Vibrating Gaylord Tipper
Plastic Process Model BT1600VB Electric Pneumatic Vibrating Gaylord Tipper
Temptek CF-10W Portable 10-Ton Water-cooled Chiller, (2009)
Large lot of Safety Guard Rails Incl Crossmembers & Uprights
Advantage Maximum Portable 20-Ton Water-cooled Chiller 2000LE Series
ProMach CCL Rennco Diverter System Model Diverter
Rennco Bagging System w/ Rennco CCL Count Loader
Rennco Bagging System w/ Rennco CCL Count Loader
Rennco Bagging System w/ Rennco CCL Count Loader
Approx. 28
(2) Securall Single Drawer Flammable Liquid Storage Cabinets
Belcor Model BEL150 Semi-Automatic Uniform Case Tape Sealer
Belcor Model BEL150 Semi-Automatic Uniform Case Tape Sealer
Belcor Model BEL150 Semi-Automatic Uniform Case Tape Sealer
Belcor Model BEL150 Semi-Automatic Uniform Case Tape Sealer
Sato Model S84 EX Label Printer on LSI Label Applicator
Sato Model S84 EX Label Printer on LSI Label Applicator
Sato Model S84 EX Label Printer on LSI Label Applicator
Sato Model S84 EX Label Printer on LSI Label Applicator
Sato Model S84 EX Label Printer on LSI Label Applicator
LSI Model 40 Label Applicating System w/ Promac Digital Controls
LSI Model 40 Label Applicating System w/ Promac Digital Controls
LSI Model 40-62 Label Applicating System w/ LSI Digital Controls
LSI Model 40 Label Applicating System
LSI Model 3062 Label Applicator in Box
Pacemaker Model 402A Heat Sealing Conveyor Bagging Machine
Pacemaker Model 402A Heat Sealing Conveyor Bagging Machine