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Party City Holdings Inc - Thermoforming and Sheet Extrusion Lines
Venue address
261 Narragansett Park Dr
Rumford, RI
United States
Party City Holdings Inc - Thermoforming and Sheet Extrusion Lines

Surplus to the operations of Am-Source LLC a PCHI Subsidiary: (2) Co-Extrusion Sheet & Thermoforming Lines, Decorating, Support Equipment

Auction dates
Sep 05, 2024 10:00 AM ET
Viewing dates
By appointment only
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There are 385 lots within this auction
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We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
Pacemaker Model 402A Heat Sealing Conveyor Bagging Machine
Pacemaker Model 402A Heat Sealing Conveyor Bagging Machine
Lot of Pacemaker Model 402A Bagger w/ Assoc. Pacemaker Bagger Parts
(4) 20
Plas-Ties Model Tiematic HD58 Wire Twist Tie Machine
Plas-Ties Model Tiematic HD58 Wire Twist Tie Machine
Plas-Ties Model Tiematic HD58 Wire Twist Tie Machine
Assorted Conveyors
Assorted Conveyor
(2) Roller Top Conveyors
Assorted Conveyors
Large Lot of Conveyor Belts
Freeman 16-Oz Double Row Cup Trim Die (2020)
9-Oz/12-Oz/16-Oz Cup Future Thermoforming Mold & Freemen Trim Die (2020) Set
Assorted Step Ladders
4-Step Portable Staircase, 5-Step Portable Staircase
Large Lot of Shop Stools
(4) Formans Work Desks
(2) Davis Standard Stainless Steel Surge Bins
(4) Davis Standard Roll Stand Hauloff Rollers
Cumberland 1456 Granulator Cutting Chamber
Cumberland 1456 Granulator Cutting Chamber (Reconditioned)
Cotterman 5-Step 800-Lb Cap. Portable Staircase
Double Sided 5-Step Portable Staircase
Lot of McMaster - Carr & Maxwool Furnace & Oven Insulation
Large Lot of Extruder Heater Bands
(2) TIP Model B1603-C6-0-BR-Z Heat Exchangers (2020)
(2) Thermal Transfer Products Model B-1602-C6-F-BR Heat Exchangers
12-Oz Cup Thermoforming Mold & Trim Die Set (2020)
Camco Gear Reducer, Delta Gear Reducer w/ Motor
Assorted Motors, Electric Pump
(2) Baldor 150-HP Electric Motors
Lot of Thermoformer Heaters - Please Inspect
Lot of Thermoformer Heaters - Please Inspect
Lot of Thermoformer Heaters - Please Inspect
US Electric Motors 60-HP Motor
Ultimate ET 75-HP Motor
Baldor Reliance 250-HP Electric Motor - New Never Put into Service
(2) Baldor 250-HP Electric Motors
Lot of Assorted Electric Motors
Lot of Assorted Electric Motors
Lot of Assorted Electric Motors
Lot of Assorted Electric Motors
Lot of Assorted Electric Motors
Lot of Assorted Gear Reducers
Large Lot of Cylinders
Large Lot of Cylinders
Lot of Assorted Electric Motors
Lot of Assorted Electric Motors
(2) Baldor 10-HP Electric Motors
Lot of Assorted Electric Motors
(2) Hydraulic Power Pumping Stations
Lot of Assorted Blowers & Electric Motors
Shanklin HS Series Model HS1DA High Speed Automatic Wrapper