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Otscon, Inc. - Stamping, Robotic Welding, Injection Molding, Assembly Equipment
Venue address
50 N. Rangeline Rd
Columbia, MO
United States
Otscon, Inc. - Stamping, Robotic Welding, Injection Molding, Assembly Equipment

Complete Facility Closure w/ Straight Side Presses, C-Frame Hydraulic Presses, Injection Molders, Machine Tools, Welders, Robots, Forklifts, Faro Arm

Auction dates
Starts: Sep 23, 2024 08:00 AM CT
Ends from: Sep 25, 2024 10:00 AM CT
Viewing dates
By appointment only
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We found 219 items matching your search
Primary Category
Item Type
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We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
Assorted Tapper Shank Drill Bits
HSS End Mills, Shaffering Bits, And Cornering Bits
Counter Bore Set
Assorted Reamers
Mitutoyo 12
Mitutoyo 1
Mitutoyo 1
Fowler Coaxial Indicator Set Model 52-710-025-0
Huot End Mill Storage w/ Content
Huot Reamer Storage w/ Content
Accupro 5C Collet Fixture
5C Collets Holder And V Blocks
Square, Sine Bars, And Tool Making Vise
Assorted Machinist Jacks
Letter Stamp Sets, And Punches
Screw Extractor Sets
Jandox MP 350 Punch Former / Radius Dresser
(3) Right Angle Plates (One Is Suburban Tool Brand)
5C Collets
Lot 139
Miller MSW-41 Portable Spot Welding Machine
Kurt 6
Kurt 6
Assorted Cat 40 Tooling
Assorted Drill Bits
Eagle Rock Technologies Pneumatic 5C Collet Work Fixture
Pneumatic Grinders And Belt Sander
Pneumatic Die Grinders
Tru-Stone Granite Surface Plate
Sine Plate
Lot 157
Magnetic Sine Plate
Lot 159
Steel Welding Table (NOTE: Contents Not Included)
Okamoto Linear 612 Surface Grinder
HHT Yama 10
Milwaukee Impact Driver Cat 2650-20
Huot Drill Bit Storage w/ Content
(6) Kanetec Magnetic V Blocks
PF Punch Former / Radius Dresser
Suburban Tool Collet Master
MG Gauge Block Set
Precision Granite Surface Plate
Dumore Tool Post Grinder
Assorted Grinding Wheels (Shelf Not Included)
Jorgensen 4
Summit Engine Lathe 14X40T Includes Tooling
Milwaukee Bench Grinder Cat 5051 w/ Stand
Baldor Bench Grinder w/ Pedestal
Ryobi 14
Harper Torch Cart w/ Torch And Regulators
Miller Welder Stock No.903367
Morgan Milwaukee 5
Custom Plasm Cutting Rolling Table
(3) Welding Curtains
(3) New Spools Of EDM Wire Type VNP1022 Van-TG Brass NP
Roll-In Saw EF1459