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Otscon, Inc. - Stamping, Robotic Welding, Injection Molding, Assembly Equipment
Venue address
50 N. Rangeline Rd
Columbia, MO
United States
Otscon, Inc. - Stamping, Robotic Welding, Injection Molding, Assembly Equipment

Complete Facility Closure w/ Straight Side Presses, C-Frame Hydraulic Presses, Injection Molders, Machine Tools, Welders, Robots, Forklifts, Faro Arm

Auction dates
Starts: Sep 23, 2024 08:00 AM CT
Ends from: Sep 25, 2024 10:00 AM CT
Viewing dates
By appointment only
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We found 219 items matching your search
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(2) Drill Sharpeners
Steel Organizer (NOTE: Contents Not Included)
Steel Organizer (NOTE: Contents Not Included)
Aida NC1-1100(2)E 121-Ton Gap Frame Press, (2010)
Aida LFG-600R (S) Straightener Feeder w/ Uncoiler
Mitutoyo 18
Granite Surface Plate
(5) Metric Pin Gauge Sets
Heron DN-100 Resistance Spot Welder
Heron DN-100 Resistance Spot Welder
Orbitform Orbital Riveter
Neff C-Frame 13-Ton Hydraulic Press, (2007)
Orbitform Orbital Riveter
De-Magnetizer Cell w/ Conveyor
Neff C-Frame 30-Ton Hydraulic Press, (2012)
Neff C-Frame 30-Ton Hydraulic Press, (2012)
Neff C-Frame 30-Ton Hydraulic Press, (2006)
WTC 2050 4-Station Spot Welding Cell
WTC 2050 4-Station Spot Welding Cell
Neff C-Frame 30-Ton Hydraulic Press, (2006)
Neff C-Frame 30-Ton Hydraulic Press, (2007)
Neff C-Frame 30-Ton Hydraulic Press, (2005)
Neff C-Frame 30-Ton Hydraulic Press, (2007)
Neff C-Frame 42-Ton Hydraulic Press, (2004)
Neff C-Frame 42-Ton Hydraulic Press, (2005)
Neff C-Frame 42-Ton Hydraulic Press, (2006)
Neff C-Frame 30-Ton Hydraulic Press, (2016)
Neff C-Frame 42-Ton Hydraulic Press, (2007)
Neff C-Frame 42-Ton Hydraulic Press, (2006)
Heron DN-80 Resistance Spot Welder
Fanuc LR Mate 200iC Robot, R-30iA Mate Controller
J.A.M Hydraulic Press Hi-Speed HYP2000
Neff C-Frame 42 Ton Hydraulic Press, (2006)
Heron ZDN-080-001-0037 Resistance Spot Welders
Heron ZDN100AXDD001-003 Resistance Spot Welders
Heron ZDN-80 Resistance Spot Welders
Heron ZDN100AXDD001-0002 Resistance Spot Welders
Kimura Denyoki SW-605P Spot Welder
Fanuc M-20iA Robots, R-30iA Control (No Pendant)
Fanuc M-20iA Robots, R-30iA Control (No Pendant)
Yaskawa Motoman Welding Cell Robot YR-EA1400N-A00
Yaskawa Motoman Welding Cell Robot YR-EA1400N-A00
Yaskawa Motoman Welding Cell Robot Yaskawa Motoman AR2010
Yaskawa Motoman Welding Cell Robot Yaskawa Motoman AR2010
Jam Hydraulic Press Model HYP3000
Neff C-Frame 30-Ton Hydraulic Press, (2019)
Neff C-Frame 30-Ton Hydraulic Press, (2019) - Late Removal