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Otscon, Inc. - Stamping, Robotic Welding, Injection Molding, Assembly Equipment
Venue address
50 N. Rangeline Rd
Columbia, MO
United States
Otscon, Inc. - Stamping, Robotic Welding, Injection Molding, Assembly Equipment

Complete Facility Closure w/ Straight Side Presses, C-Frame Hydraulic Presses, Injection Molders, Machine Tools, Welders, Robots, Forklifts, Faro Arm

Auction dates
Starts: Sep 23, 2024 08:00 AM CT
Ends from: Sep 25, 2024 10:00 AM CT
Viewing dates
By appointment only
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We found 219 items matching your search
Primary Category
Item Type
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We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
Yaskawa Motoman Welding Cell Robot Yaskawa Motoman EA1400N
H Press Unknown Tonnage
Wilton 5 1/2
Steel Welding Table
V Power Welder On Rolling Cart Model PD20 And 400SMT
Wilton 6 1/2
Fastenal And Small Bolt Organizer w/ Content
Fastenal Organizers w/ Content
Precision Lapping/Polishing Machine UNIPOL-1210
(3) Torque Wrench
Surface Finishing Gauges
Wall Thickness Gauge Model TI-25LT
URYU Electronic Torque Tester Model UET-10C
(2) ID Indicator Gauges (Missing Pieces)
(3) Mitutoyo Steel Square 916-306
Vermont Gage Metric Pin Gauge Set
Assorted Broken Calipers
Wilson Rockwell Hardness Tester Series 500 Model B504-T
Mitutoyo PH 350H Optical Comparator
Mitutoyo MVK-H1 Hardness Testing Machine
Mitutoyo 18
Mitutoyo 18
Precision Granite Surface Plate
(5) Pin Gauge Sets
Wilton 5
Mitutoyo Digital Travel Indicator Code 543-402
(2) Mitutoyo Travel Indicators
Torque Wrench
Lot 560
ProtoTorque Wrench
JetcoTorque Wrench
(3) Magnetic Base Stand
Assorted C Clamps
Torque Star 1 Electronic Torque Reader
Lot of Drill Bits w/ Cabinet
Lot of Drill Bits w/ Cabinet
Chatillon Scale
Lot 802
Mitutoyo Extension Gauge
Check-Line Wall Thickness Gauge