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Offset Paperback Mfrs., Inc.
Venue address
2211 Memorial Highway
Dallas, PA
United States
Offset Paperback Mfrs., Inc.

Complete Closure of One of the Largest Paperback Printing Facilities Balers, Shredder, Bindery Lines, Huge Parts Inventory Surplus Equipment formerly

Auction dates
Starts: Oct 16, 2024 08:00 AM ET
Ends from: Oct 22, 2024 10:00 AM ET
Viewing dates
By appointment only
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There are 610 lots within this auction
Primary Category
Item Type
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We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
Approximately 750-Gal. Air Storage Tank
Approximately 750-Gal. Air Storage Tank
4-Station Chilling Circulator Unit
Approximately 500-Gal. Air Storage Tank
Sullair Mdl. SR-700 Refrigerated Air Dryer
Approximately 500-Gal. Air Storage Tank
2-Door Steel Cabinet, W/ Filters
Sullair Mdl. VLC2005 150H/W 150-HP Screw Type Air Compressor
Ingersoll Rand Hydrogard Mdl. HG-750 Refrigerated Air Dryer
Approximately 750-Gal. Air Storage Tank
Approximately 650-Gal. Air Storage Tank
Ingersoll Rand Mdl. DXR-600 Refrigerated Air Dryer
Ingersoll Rand Mdl. DXR-750 Refrigerated Air Dryer
(20) Sections Of Shelving
(3) Assorted Stock Ladders
Challenge Mdl. JF Single Spindle Paper Drill
(4) Sections Of Heavy Duty Racking & Heavy Duty Drive-In Rack
Wright 28
Parking Lot Line Painter
Oily Rag Can
Lot 75
Brooms, Shovels, Etc.
Brooms, Shovels, Etc.
7' Stock Ladder
5' Stock Ladder
6' Stock Ladder
REC 49
New York Blower Mdl. 29RD 25-HP Blower
Maren Mdl. 20-103 Baler
Balemaster 4450G-8 Horizontal Auto Tie Baler
Camfil Farr GS-32 Dust Collector
Camfil Farr GS-48 Gold Series Dust Collector
Maren Mdl. 203-103 Auto Tie Horizontal Baler
TCS Trim Control Center Dust Collector
Pool Day Dust Collector
Carter Day Cyclone Dust Collector, w/ Screw Conveyor
Polar Mohr Mdl. 137EMC-MON 54
Polar Mohr Mdl. LW-1000-R 1000kg Capacity Lifter
Polar Mohr Mdl. LW-1000-R 1000kg Capacity Lifter
1200-LB. Capacity Material Bag Lifter
1200-LB. Capacity Material Bag Lifter
Gockel Mdl. GSA Blade Honing Machine
Gockel Mdl. G50ELT Blade Grinder
Abal Mdl. 100/2 Tape Sealer
Abal Mdl. 100/50 Tape Sealer
(6) Sections Of Hytrol 14
(2) Hytrol 24
STA-Warm Mdl. 750MRSSA Adhesive Warmer Dispenser
Mueller Martini Mdl. 3672 Zenith S 3-Knife Trimmer
Wohlenberg Hanover Mdl. 44FS50 3-Knife Trimmer
Wohlenberg Hanover Mdl. TS-12 Splitting Saw
Ingersoll Rand Mdl. T-30 3-Stage 15-HP Vacuum Pump