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Offset Paperback Mfrs., Inc.
Venue address
2211 Memorial Highway
Dallas, PA
United States
Offset Paperback Mfrs., Inc.

Complete Closure of One of the Largest Paperback Printing Facilities Balers, Shredder, Bindery Lines, Huge Parts Inventory Surplus Equipment formerly

Auction dates
Starts: Oct 16, 2024 08:00 AM ET
Ends from: Oct 22, 2024 10:00 AM ET
Viewing dates
By appointment only
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We found 432 items matching your search
Primary Category
Item Type
Sorted by
We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
(2) Hoppers
Lot 200
(7) 15
Large Lot Of Wooden Planks
Carts & Contents
Parts Bins, Drop Lights, Connectors, Wire Nuts, Etc.
Brushes, Light Bulbs, Etc.
Leeson Blowers (New In Box), Radiators, Clutches, Etc.
Flexi Hose, Gaskets, Shims, Tarps, Etc.
(4) Mueller Martini Control Cabinets
Schmalz Filters
Lot 212
Measuring Pitchers & Sprayers
Dayton Blowers, Drain Tarps, Filters, Etc.
Nylon Hose, Step Motors, Filters, Etc.
Lot Of Assorted Parts
Pneumatic Cylinders, Flexi Hose, Squirrel Cage, Blower, Etc.
Skid Of Assorted Gears
Paint, Rollers, Tape Dispensers, Etc.
PPG Paint, Primer & White
Lot 225
Trimmer Parts
Lot 227
Pneumatic Cylinders, Breakers, Cabinet
Skid Of Motors - Up To 5-HP
Skid Of Motors - Up To 3-HP
Skid Of Motors - Up To 2-HP
Skid Of Motors - Up To 2-HP
Skid Of Motors & Gear Drives
Insulation Tape, Piab Parts, Etc.
Meg 400 X 400 X 200 Rotation Gear
(2) Toshiba Mdl. VFAS3-4370PC Transistor Inverters
Skid Of Motors - Up To 3-HP
Skid Of Motors - Up To 1-HP
Skid Of Motors - Up To 1-HP
Skid Of Motors & Gear Drives - Up To 3-HP
Skid Of Motors - Up To 1-HP
Skid Of Leeson & Baldor Motors - Up To 1-HP
Skid Of Motors & Drives - Up To 5-HP
Skid Of Assorted Parts
Plastic Pipe Fittings, Metal Enclosures, Etc.
Mueller Martini Chain, Rollers, Knife Switches, Etc.
Booster Regulator, Blowers & Motors
Fleetwood Flow Serve 2G ARM1000 Pump
Regulators, Hardware, Electrical, Nordson Heaters, Etc.
PC Boards, Breakers, Fuses, Etc.
Lot 257
PC Boards, Breakers, DC Drives, Transistor Inverters, Etc.
Cutler Hammer MPC1 Controllers, Breakers, Etc.
Breakers, Solenoid Valves, Etc.
Castors, Hardware, Proportioning Valves, PVC Caps, Etc.
Hardware, Control Boxes, Breakers & Hoses
Step Motors, Electrical Bridges, DC Contactor
Skid Of Motors & Gear Drives - Up To 1/2-HP