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Offset Paperback Mfrs., Inc.
Venue address
2211 Memorial Highway
Dallas, PA
United States
Offset Paperback Mfrs., Inc.

Complete Closure of One of the Largest Paperback Printing Facilities Balers, Shredder, Bindery Lines, Huge Parts Inventory Surplus Equipment formerly

Auction dates
Starts: Oct 16, 2024 08:00 AM ET
Ends from: Oct 22, 2024 10:00 AM ET
Viewing dates
By appointment only
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We found 432 items matching your search
Primary Category
Item Type
Sorted by
We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
Skid Of Motors & Gear Drives - Up To 1/2-HP
Industrial Drives & Gear Reducers
Lot Of Assorted Motors - Up To 3-HP
(2) Gaylords Of Belts
Trimming Head
Lot 277
(2) Skids W/ Motors, Brackets, Vacuum Pump
Transformers & Control Box
Bachi Regulation Transformer
(2) Hubbell Weather Retractable Electric Reels
Skid Of Motors & Gear Boxes - Up To 3-HP
Allen Bradley Vari-Drive Controllers
AC Drives
Lot 287
PC Boards & Control Boxes
Motor, Control Boxes, Etc.
Timers, Push Button Stations, Fittings, Etc.
Motors & Drives - Up To 5-HP
Skid Of Motors - Up To 3-HP
150-HP Motor
Lot 297
Pneumatic Cylinders, Parker Valve, Collars, Etc.
Assorted Gears
Lot 300
Assorted Gears
Lot 301
Breakers, Solar Power Supplies, Timers, etc
Skid W/ Wire, Nuts, Lamps, Capacitors, Led's, Etc.
Jantec 22
Paco Pumps Mdl. 410-30127 300-GPM Centrifugal Pump
Gear Box
Lot 308
Skid Of Motors - Up To 1-HP
Gear Reducers & Motors
7.5-HP Motor, Crash Bars, Bushings, Enclosures
Control Box & Transformer
Dodge Gear Boxes, 2-HP Motor, Gears
Slitting Heads, Cylinders, Etc.
(2) Refrigerated Air Dryers
Hose, Fittings, Heater
(3) 22
(3) 22
Reliance 22-HP Motor, W/ Gear Box & Gears
Drive Motors & Gear Boxes
Lawson Stands, W/ Threaded Rod
Skid Of Motors & Pumps - Up To 3-HP
Leeson 40-HP Motor
Baldor Reliance 50-HP Motor
Reliance 50-HP Motor
Nema 25-HP Motor
Leeson 15-HP & 7.5-HP Motors
(2) Baldor 15-HP Motors
Baldor Approximately 40-HP Motor
Leeson 25-HP & Approximately 7.5-HP Motors
Leeson 50-HP Motor W/ DC Contactors
Reliance Electric Flexpak 3000 Drive
Collars & Fittings
Schmalz Vacuum Pump & Gear Boxes
Skid Of Motors & Gear Reducers - Up To 1.5-HP
Baldor 50-HP Motor & Drive Motor
Ruetsch IP55 Frame Motor