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Lacerta Therapeutics
Venue address
14189 N W 129Th Way
Alachua, FL
United States
Lacerta Therapeutics

Closure of Florida Gene-Therapy & Testing Laboratory (500+) Lots of Lab Equipment as-late-as 2023! Eppendorf | Beckman Coulter | AKTA | BioRad

Auction dates
Starts: Oct 21, 2024 09:00 AM ET
Ends from: Oct 31, 2024 11:00 AM ET
Viewing dates
By appointment only
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We found 401 items matching your search
Primary Category
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We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
Lot of 100 Slide Slide Boxes
Lot of 100 Slide Slide Boxes
Lot of (4) 5-Drawr Flat File Cabinets
Lot of Stackable Plastic Arco Bins
Medium Duty Shelving Rack
Large Lot of Pipette Stands, Syringe and Tube Stands
Lot of (4) Lab Work Benches
Eppendorf Cryo Cube - 80 Lab Freezer Model F570-86
New Brunswick Model I26 Incubator/Shaker
Smiths Madison 3500 Pump
Benchmark Model BT1502 4-Plate Orbital Shaker
Thermo Scientific Mini Pump Variable Flow
Mettler Toledo Model 5EZ Conductivity Meter Model F30
Benchmark Mini Centrifuge
Orbital Shaker
Lot 150
Orbital Shaker
Lot 151
Thermoscientific Compact Digital Rocker
Thermoscientific Compact Digital Rocker
Benchmark Model BT1502 4-Plate Orbital Shaker
Benchmark Model BT1502 4-Plate Orbital Shaker
Benchmark Blot Boy Orbital Shaker
Benchmark Roto Mini Mixer, VWR Tube Roto Mixer
Lot of (5) Lab Work Benches
BioRad Model Power Pack Basics Power System
Life Technologies Power Ease 300W Power Supply
Life Technologies Power Ease 300W Power Supply
Life Technologies Power Ease 300W Power Supply
Major Science Model MBE150 Cell Tank w/ Power Supply
Lot of (5) Fisher Brand Single Cell Trays
BioRad Gel Container, Life Technologies Gel Container
Thermo Scientific Orion AQ3010 Turbidity Meter w/ Case
Hygiena System Pure Plus Cleanliness Test Gauge
Ismatec IP High Precision Multi-Channel Pump P/N ISM942C
Ismatec IP High Precision Multi-Channel Pump P/N ISM942C
VWR ST96 PCR Thermo Cycler
VWR ST96 PCR Thermo Cycler