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Rigel Pharmaceuticals
Venue address
319 Bernado Ave
Mountain View, CA
United States
Rigel Pharmaceuticals

Surplus to the Ongoing Operation of Biotech Company Chromatography | Cell Analysis | Microplate Handling Complete Lab with (100+) Lots of Essentials!

Auction dates
Starts: Oct 15, 2024 09:00 AM PT
Ends from: Oct 23, 2024 10:00 AM PT
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By appointment only
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There are 131 lots within this auction
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We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
Lot (10) Rainin Digital Pipette Spare Batteries
VWR Scientific Advanced Slow Speed Stirrer
Lot (7) Carts on Casters with Carpet Padding Protection
HP LaserJet Network Printer; Model: P3015
PHCBI -80C Freezer; Model: MDF-DU702VH-PA
Lot of Assorted Glassware
Stirling Ultracold ULT25NEU Ultra-Low Temperature Freezer
Stirling Ultracold ULT25NEU Ultra-Low Temperature Freezer
Stirling Ultracold ULT25NEU Ultra-Low Temperature Freezer
Stirling Ultracold ULT25NEU Ultra-Low Temperature Freezer
Stirling Ultracold ULT25NEU Ultra-Low Temperature Freezer
Stirling Ultracold ULT25NEU Ultra-Low Temperature Freezer
Stirling Ultracold ULT25NEU Ultra-Low Temperature Freezer
Stirling Ultracold ULT25NEU Ultra-Low Temperature Freezer
Stirling Ultracold ULT25NEU Ultra-Low Temperature Freezer
Stirling Ultracold ULT25NEU Ultra-Low Temperature Freezer
Drucker Diagnostics Horizon 6 Flex Centrifuge - NEW
Drucker Diagnostics Horizon 6 Flex Centrifuge - NEW
Drucker Diagnostics Horizon 6 Flex Centrifuge - NEW
Drucker Diagnostics Horizon 6 Flex Centrifuge - NEW
Drucker Diagnostics Horizon 6 Flex Centrifuge - NEW
Drucker Diagnostics Horizon 6 Flex Centrifuge - NEW
Drucker Diagnostics Horizon 6 Flex Centrifuge - NEW
Drucker Diagnostics Horizon 6 Flex Centrifuge - NEW
Drucker Diagnostics Horizon 6 Flex Centrifuge - NEW
Drucker Diagnostics Horizon 6 Flex Centrifuge - NEW
Opentron OT-2 Liquid Dispensing unit with Head
Analytik Jena CyBio FeliX Dispensing Unit (2021)
Opentron OT-2 Liquid Dispensing unit with Head
Opentron OT-2 Liquid Dispensing unit with Head
Opentron OT-2 Liquid Dispensing unit with Head
Analytik Jena CyBio FeliX Dispensing Unit (2021)
Analytik Jena CyBio FeliX Dispensing Unit (2021)
Opentron OT-2 Liquid Dispensing unit with Head
Opentron OT-2 Liquid Dispensing unit with Head
Opentron OT-2 Liquid Dispensing unit with Head
Opentron OT-2 Liquid Dispensing unit with Head
Analytik Jena UVP Hepa UV Enclosure
Analytik Jena UVP Hepa UV Enclosure
Analytik Jena UVP Hepa UV Enclosure
Analytik Jena UVP Hepa UV Enclosure
Opentron OT-2 Liquid Dispensing unit with Head
Opentron OT-2 Liquid Dispensing unit with Head
Opentron OT-2 Liquid Dispensing unit with Head
Opentron OT-2 Liquid Dispensing unit with Head
(2) Analytik Jena UVP Hepa UV Enclosure
Opentron OT-2 Liquid Dispensing unit with Head
Opentron OT-2 Liquid Dispensing unit with Head
Opentron OT-2 Liquid Dispensing unit with Head
Opentron OT-2 Liquid Dispensing unit with Head
Opentron OT-2 Liquid Dispensing unit with Head
Opentron OT-2 Liquid Dispensing unit with Head
Opentron OT-2 Liquid Dispensing unit with Head
Thermo scientific Sorall X Pro/ ST Plus series Centrifuges
California quite air compressor
Analytik Jena UVP Hepa UV Enclosure
Analytik Jena UVP Hepa UV Enclosure
Analytik Jena UVP Hepa UV Enclosure