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ams OSRAM - Two Image Sensor Research & Development Lab
Venue address
1100 West Idaho St
Suite 430
Boise, ID
United States
ams OSRAM - Two Image Sensor Research & Development Lab

Photonic & Test Equipment as late as 2023, featuring Accretech, Keysight, MPI, ThorLabs, Gamma Scientific

Auction dates
Starts: Oct 28, 2024 09:00 AM ET
Ends from: Oct 30, 2024 01:00 PM ET
Viewing dates
By appointment only
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There are 157 lots within this auction
Primary Category
Item Type
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We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
Workstation table
Uline adjustable height workbench, 60
Uline adjustable height workbench, 60
Uline adjustable height workbench, 48
Global Industrial 2-door cabinet, 48
(2) Workstation Industries Lab chairs
(2) Workstation Industries Lab chairs, grounding chains
Box of Teledyne Lecroy Accessories
Global Industrial 2-door cabinet, 48
Uline adjustable height workbench, 60
Uline adjustable height workbench, 60
Newport Vision IsoStation Optical Table
Newport Vision IsoStation Optical Table
Zero Light box built to fit on Newport Table
Global Industrial 2-door cabinet, 48
Uline adjustable height workbench, 60
Sentry Air Systems Filter box
Benchtop Lab Vise & Thorlabs lens Rotation mount
SMT Resistor Kit
Weller WT1 Soldering station
Pantone Color Viewing Light box
EOOKU magnifying glass & magnetic stand w/ clip arms
Luxo Magnifying light stand
(3) Flexible light stands
Vidmar 14-Drawer cabinet & contents
Vidmar 7-Drawer cabinet & contents
Vidmar 7-Drawer cabinet, & contents
(2) Stainless steel metro racks w/ contents
KAESER Sigma Aircenter SK 15 Rotary Screw Air Compressor
SCS combo wrist strap / footwear static tester
Newport RS 1000 Sealed hole tabletop
2-Shelf rolling metro cart
(2) Lab chairs
Lot 174
Uline adjustable height workbench, 72
Uline adjustable height workbench, 48
Newport MKS benchtop breadboard table